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TheVaxIsPoison t1_j2my5kd wrote

Elon is working hard to get rid of bots on twitter.

Edit: Downvotes to reality are evidence of being brainwashed.


Landlubber77 t1_j2n1jzc wrote

Can't wait til his alternative energy source, Klear comes out. It's gonna blow people's minds. A true work of art.


WalkerBRiley t1_j2nzj71 wrote

I mean, if anything everything he's done has only increased the number of bots.


TheVaxIsPoison t1_j2ofiqh wrote

Vast armies of bots have been eliminated.

As he develops more sophisticated tests, even more will disappear.

MOST of Twitter follows were bought and paid for -- from bot farms in China, Russa, and other poor regions.
