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simulatislacrimis OP t1_j5l99co wrote

Damn, that really sucks. I’m sorry to hear the doctor didn’t take you seriously, it’s so infuriating when the health system fails you.

My aunt recently learned she has these migraines too. Like, she’s had them for a while, just never knew what they were exactly. It sounds really scary, and I know she hasn’t had the best experiences with doctors either.

Still worth going to the doctor if you don’t know if it’s a stroke or not, but I get why you don’t wanna go when you know what it is and have experience with shitty doctors.


thatsalotofcats t1_j5lxp74 wrote

With covid, our healthcare system is just trashed. The drs are overworked and just don’t care anymore. Getting in to see a specialist would likely take years. Going to the ER would probably not help much because wait times are hours-days. I’d rather die at home with my family and cats than in a gross ER with strangers and drs who don’t care.