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Rrawbs t1_j5lg1t5 wrote

I have these, haven’t really found out what triggers it. I was once told, “it’s more scary to those around than it is to those experiencing it”

Mine travels from the base of my skull to my forehead and you can actually feel effected parts of your body “shutting down” it basically lasts 20-40min then you sit with a massive headache. My friends joke that my brain is just resetting when it happens. They still crap themselves if they see me having one…


jimmy9800 t1_j5lnj90 wrote

I was terrified the first time I had one (8 yrs old), but yeah it makes people around me nervous if I let them get that far. Can't walk and I sound completely plastered since half my face quit working. Mine are incredibly rare now but last for days if I manage them badly.