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PDX-T-Rex t1_j5lms1k wrote

Had a friend in college have one of these. Because he was only 19, it took them more than six hours to get him in a CT to rule out stroke.

I was an EMT at the time, and as I was sitting with him in the waiting room watching him become less and less alert (he didn't know the word for "hospital" and couldn't tell me his last name), I was losing my mind. He met all the criteria in my jurisdiction for a stroke alert, but the plonked him in the waiting room.

I wanted to choke the triage nurse, especially when she said "he's 19. What are the odds he's having a stroke?" Jesus Christ, lady! They're good enough I don't want to wager his life, how bout you? Gonna see that bet and raise me your career?

Apparently so, cause he didn't even get into the scan that would rule out stroke until he was outside of the stroke protocol window.