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thatsalotofcats t1_j5mncwf wrote

This is so crazy to be talking about with someone else who actually gets what I’m talking about! I don’t know anyone else in real life who has these types of migraines so this is different! My ears also ring too; I have everyday ringing in my ears at all times, but the ringing gets so much worse with migraine. And your symptoms sound exactly like mine! Aura in my left eye, weakness and tingly/numb on left side up my arm and into my face. Weakness in both hands tho, because when I try to write down what time my symptoms start or whatever, my right hand feels all heavy and fuzzy. I’ve only ever lost vision on the left side tho; it’s like a hole or something, I can’t see my phone or anything it’s just a black spot for a bit.


jimmy9800 t1_j5mor2z wrote

I'm thoroughly enjoying this! I've never met anyone with this before either! It's bizarre. It's like describing to someone how it feels to have your brain, fully conscious, slowly disconnect itself from all its inputs and then slowly figure itself out again. I get that black hole too! Although I'd describe it as more of a missing section of vision. I wouldn't know what color it is. I can't tell. It's like my brain is just making up whatever goes there and none of it could even be remotely real. The only thing about that hole that seems to be consistent is the edges shimmer, pulse, and almost seem brighter than they should be. It's always the first thing to show up for me, and it always initially looks like that spot that shows up when you look at a bright light and then look away, but instead of fading, it just grows and grows.


thatsalotofcats t1_j5mwtrh wrote

Yep! It’s like looking at a bright light and then suddenly shutting it off and the spot is there. Also get rainbow shimmering colors that sort of go in a triangle shape. Always been scared it’ll happen when I’m driving or something but so far I’ve always been at home, so that’s good.