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black_brook t1_j67aw00 wrote

How is it that the UN peacekeepers had cholera?


StuartGotz t1_j67gf16 wrote

They were from Nepal, where cholera outbreaks still happen yearly.


p314159i t1_j67qgee wrote

They should probably get on that before they try to fix problems in Haiti, both in the sense that it is bad for Haiti, but also because it is unfair to Nepal that they have to help Haiti when they have their own problems. Globalism is a shit idea.


NessyComeHome t1_j680xlk wrote

UN peacekeepers are made up of military members of nations that are in the UN.

So it wasn't Nepal diverting resources for the help of Haiti. It was the UN using their peacekeeping force in a humanitarian operation.


TitaniumDreads t1_j67wkyq wrote

when there is a horrific earthquake that kills 100,000 people you kinda have to take any help you can get.


KeepAwaySynonym t1_j6811wl wrote

If you feel globalism is shit, I take it you only buy locally or regionally sourced goods, or at least go through trying to find locally / regionally sources food, and other items before partcimmicipating in a system that is based on globalism. And are also opposed to companies selling goods or services outside of your country?


WR810 t1_j68x8ur wrote

Globalism is also a force for global peace. Nations that trade are far less likely to go to war.


tutti139 t1_j683hs5 wrote

In Finland most people only eat Finnish produce/meat aslong as it is obtainable here.

So yes.


Veerand t1_j68m8ha wrote

Ah, yes, the country that drinks most coffee in the world. Obviously all of it was grown in Finland


dirty_cuban t1_j69bo8l wrote

Every country has their own problems they need to work on. Your suggestion would be that no one can help because no country is problem free. There’s a shit idea here, but it’s not globalism.


Wideawakedup t1_j6a594e wrote

It’s like that movie medicine man with Sean Connery. Some new doctor comes to the Amazon and he goes off on them about being in quarantine and how the common cold can wipe out the whole community.