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CareerMicDrop t1_j601dtw wrote

Every movie is wildly inaccurate. Especially when it comes to guns. Dudes with a 10 round clip still lighting up bad guys 20 shots later. A sniper a mile way puts his cross hairs on the target. I’m sorry. You just adjusted for wind. Rain. Temp. Humidity. Altitude. Distance. The speed of the target. The spin of the earth on its axis. And yet your bullet goes straight at the target a mile away dead.


TroubleInMyMind t1_j60l0h0 wrote

Sound is always what gets me in movies. People just firing off guns in enclosed spaces with no ear pro constantly.


GoGaslightYerself t1_j602ssc wrote

> Every movie is wildly inaccurate.

Ya mean to tell me you can't get 23,573 rounds out of a seven-shot 1911 magazine without reloading? Who knew?!?

What I like best -- and this is in like every movie ever produced -- is how the bad guys never actually load their firearms until they get really mad and then it's SNICK-SNICK as they cycle the slides on their pistols or load their shotgun/rifle. The rest of the time, they're running around with unloaded guns! So realistic!


Minuted t1_j60owug wrote

It's more of an editing thing but my favourite is the "gun noise" they sometimes put in when someone holds up a gun. Not reloading or cocking a hammer or anything, just holding up a gun.

I love Doctor Who but this is pretty egregious. Movies do it too, though I can't think of any as bad as this example. It's a revolver and I'm guessing it's an automatic cycling noise? I don't know it makes no sense.


milkysway1 t1_j63igeu wrote

If a gun clicked as much as they do in movies just from moving around, there's no way I'd feel safe actually firing it.


fvb955cd t1_j64uaf7 wrote

Don't forget that dropping it down a flight of stairs will kill 30 people


CareerMicDrop t1_j60htwb wrote

I can’t stand the unnecessary cocking of firearms. You just cocked it again. Ejecting an unspent round. Just for the sound effect. Stop unnecessary cocking in movies!!! Now! Unles by cocking you mean…..


heisdeadjim_au t1_j61ansl wrote

This always bugged me. Why do they always manually move the slide when it is locked back on an empty magazine?

Dump the mag, replace it, hit the slide release, you're in battery.


RedDemocracy t1_j63fe50 wrote

Some guns don’t have slide releases, or it’s a matter of preferences/comfort. I’ve hot small hands and weak fingers, and I don’t think I’ve ever successfully hit the slide release on my Star BM, but it’s smooth as a dream on my Jericho.


ixamnis t1_j64d9l5 wrote

I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"