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biskmater t1_j6m3lhl wrote

While there’s a certain element of truth to it, as in you miss every shot you don’t take. In my experience fortune favors the lucky.


Krasmaniandevil t1_j6mrnyz wrote

There's a secret to hiring someone who's lucky. Take half the resumes you get and throw them in the trash, cause you don't want to hire anyone so unlucky. The remaining half are the lucky ones, but if you want to hire someone REALLY lucky, you pull one out of the trash and hire them.


zw1ck t1_j6mthfn wrote

That must be how I got hired for my first after college job. My interview was terrible.


sponge_bob_ t1_j6mtn9y wrote

Just have to be better than the other candidates.

Or you know, it wasn't as bad as you thought


VincoClavis t1_j6n8e8c wrote

But if it’s a really shit job, then that person is actually really unlucky.


Epic_Meow t1_j6naidx wrote

couldn't you just pick someone from the stack at random and then throw the rest out


Krasmaniandevil t1_j6ndhnx wrote

That person would be lucky, but not very lucky. It's the whole "snatching victory from the jaws of defeat" angle that makes it.


Epic_Meow t1_j6ngj2f wrote

but you're doing the same thing either way. unless their resume manages to catch your eye from the trash unexpectedly, maybe that's what you meant idk


Dookie_-_Monster t1_j6nole0 wrote

The chance of picking one paper out of a stack is 1 / n (n is the number of papers).

The chance a piece of paper goes in the trash is 1/(.5n). The chance that piece is then picked out of the trash is then 1/(.5n) again. Multiply those and you get 1/(.25n^2).

So we can compare them to see if those are actually the same quantity.

1 / n < 1/(.25n^2)

n < .25n^2

4n < n^2

4 < n or n > 4

So if your stack has 4 or more pieces of paper in it, getting the paper out of the garbage is less likely (i.e. luckier) than just picking the paper out of the whole stack.


Athildur t1_j6nyzqa wrote

So let's say...10 papers.

Chance of any one to be picked blindly: 1/10.

Chance any one is discarded into the trash: 5/10 (not 1/5 as you said, it should be .5n/n, or just 50%).

Chance for any one paper being picked out of the trash: 1/5 (since there are 5 in the trash).

1/5 of 5/10 is 1/10. Which is the chance we started with by just picking at random.

So no. Getting the paper out of the garbage isn't less likely at all in your example. The only factor not included here is the likeliness that one is picked from the trash at all. Since, if this were an uncommon event, it would make chances lower. But since this experiment presumes doing so is already predetermined (since you've built this selection method purposely), it adds no rarity or value.

In fact, since you premeditated this, arguably the stack in the trash is less lucky since you already decided at the start you'd pick one of those.


Gathorall t1_j6m6tyk wrote

A when A. In addition it is also apparent that being lucky causes boldness on its own and vice versa: a person who often succeeds is eager to try, someone who fails more than their share is going to be hesitant with even little risk.


Traditional_Entry183 t1_j6niqbz wrote

A lifetime of things outside of my control going against me has certainly help mold me into an exceptionally cautious, risk averse person. No doubt.


Crosstitch_Witch t1_j6o3a82 wrote

Same, also anxiety filled.


Traditional_Entry183 t1_j6oj741 wrote

I've dealt with anxiety and depression since I was a little kid also. I'm sure it all gets mixed together in the recipe to produce who I am.


[deleted] t1_j6moatq wrote



psymunn t1_j6n932k wrote

Eating 4 leaf clovers, shaving dice, adjusting your SPECIAL stats


radio_allah t1_j6nw8zr wrote

My personal flair on whatsapp for a long time has been 'fortunatos fortuna iuvat' - 'fortune favours the fortunate'.

It's just the way the world works. If you're born privileged you get more privileged. The lucky becomes luckier.


natty-broski t1_j6m72wt wrote

Right up there with "brevity is the soul of wit" coming from the biggest windbag in western drama


Equal_Caregiver_4909 OP t1_j6mjugn wrote

Or... 'to thine own self be true' being said by a weak sychophant who is very soon stabbed after saying it.


Greene_Mr t1_j6o9wv2 wrote

Or how "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon 'em" is written as part of a prank letter for a character everyone loathes.


Horror-Sammich t1_j6ncmdw wrote

Or how “discretion is the better part of valor” Is used out of context.


jcbmths62 t1_j6m4v0x wrote

Technically it wasn't supposed to be the last book as it's unfinished due to the author's death.


Equal_Caregiver_4909 OP t1_j6m55hp wrote

Huh, I wonder what was planned for later.


rugbat t1_j6mdgfo wrote

Probably the rest of Roman history up to that point. Virgil was writing an epic origin story for the Roman people. It's like a Roman version of Exodus, giving the people an awesome and coherent origin, instead of the mundane and messy real one.


Danhuangmao t1_j6mj1r3 wrote

Not sure about that. He was basing the work closely on The Odyssey and The Illiad, neither of which tells massive multi-generational tales (in fact, The Illiad doesn’t even cover the whole Trojan war - just the 9th year of it, of 10).


Equal_Caregiver_4909 OP t1_j6mjsl8 wrote

It was also written for Augustus, who claimed to be a descendant of Aeneas, and so character flaws in Aeneas can be seen as veiled criticisms of the current leader.


TheDolphinGod t1_j6nubny wrote

We have the general outline of the Roman myth of Aeneas from other sources. After the battle against Turnus, Aeneas goes on to found the city of Lavinium, the spiritual fatherland of the Roman people. Aeneas then lived there as King until his death, at which point Jupiter deified him under the name Indiges. His line would continue to rule the city of Lavinium and its surrounding lands, including Alba Longa, the birthplace of Romulus and Remus.

Virgil was really close to the end of the story, he just didn’t quite make it. The battle with Turnas was definitely the climax to the story of Aeneas, and the founding of Lavinium would’ve likely been the conclusion. For the story that Virgil was telling, it’s a very logical place to end his epic. It concretely places the house of Aeneas on the land of Latium, and connects his house to the Legacy of Rome.


AirborneRodent t1_j6ojwma wrote

It was supposed to be the last book. The plan was for 6 books on Odyssey 2: Aquatic Boogaloo and then 6 books on Iliad 2: the Italyad.

The Aeneid is mostly finished. There are scenes missing here and there, and it should have more fleshed-out of an ending than "He killed the bad guy. The end." But for the most part Virgil was able to tell the story he wanted to tell.


jointheredditarmy t1_j6mf4l7 wrote

It turns out the one thing fortune really hates is being told who fortune favors


EsseLeo t1_j6n0joe wrote

<Narrator’s Voice> But fortune did not, in fact, favor the bold.


Upbeat_Orchid2742 t1_j6m4anp wrote

Have to buy a ticket to win the lottery.


psymunn t1_j6n99y8 wrote

You can always find a winning lottery ticket on the ground. The likely hood is functionally zero either way


keksmuzh t1_j6nah4u wrote

Matt Damon low-key being a literary scholar in that add


cramduck t1_j6n4n9l wrote

Wind resistance, on the other hand, favors the bald.


The_Istrix t1_j6m58t0 wrote

It favors the bold, not the foolish


nealski77 t1_j6n5gz9 wrote

Luckily Matt Damon said "brave" not "bold" so I'm going to invest my life savings in crypto now.


optiongeek t1_j6msfnn wrote

I think is called irony.


jimx117 t1_j6nihe5 wrote

So you're saying there's yet another popular expression that's been completely misused by culture at large? Those bitcoin ads with Matt Damon now seem to track appropriately...


Neptune-neptune t1_j6n3kz6 wrote

Well, at least it worked for Benjamin Sisko.


Amerlis t1_j6okp99 wrote

“I took bold risks, and boy, were they bad.”


KnightofForestsWild t1_j6ovsoj wrote

Sophocles (b. 496bce) pretty much said the same thing before that. "Fortune is not on the side of the faint-hearted."


artaig t1_j6n48zc wrote

English should update the saying and stop using a word that has lost its original meaning (bold=strong)... pretty much like Ivan the "terrible".


AirborneRodent t1_j6okzxu wrote

The Latin word in the saying is audentes, meaning "audacious", "daring", or "risky". The modern English usage of "bold" fits pretty well as a translation.


turroflux t1_j6pgw0q wrote

Bold is not a synonym for strong, like not at all, not sure I've ever heard of anyone using bold to describe someone powerful or strong, if thats your implication.


Jefferian t1_j6nf1o5 wrote

On the other hand, Turnus had an extremely successful life.


jonny_jon_jon t1_j6nqyxv wrote

I suppose he was more of an itallic kind of guy


HPmoni t1_j6nzrzm wrote

Matt Damon would disagree.


Green_man619 t1_j6o0ous wrote

Fortune, in fact, did not favour the bold


crojohnson t1_j6o6bss wrote

Bad luck is still luck.


Atomic12192 t1_j6pjuvs wrote

I thought that phrase was first said by a commander during the Pompeii eruption?