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turkey_sandwiches t1_j5pvnrx wrote


keano97 t1_j5q5m4f wrote

They could be threatened by other prisoners to do it and hand over the money.

They could be offered perks from authorities

A prisoner is not free, and therefore is not in a position to freely make a choice, especially one so consequential to their well-being.

Also they are literally chained up and caged to, from, and during all but the times they are seated with a live bull rampaging around, so you could say they are dragged there.


turkey_sandwiches t1_j5q8d7x wrote

Anything COULD happen. What actually happens is they sign up if they want to do it.


keano97 t1_j5so011 wrote


So you admitted I could be right, and then just sweep it under the rug and say no it doesn't.

Go enjoy your uncivilized gladiator matches, should we swing by the dog fighting Pitt on the way home, maybe watch a public hanging with the kids in Sunday?


turkey_sandwiches t1_j5thhtm wrote

You could be right, but you aren't. There's a difference.

The entire prisoner rodeo thing is done by prisoners who sign up for it. Of course they're chained when they leave the prison, they're still prisoners.


keano97 t1_j5xllvs wrote

So you just going to ignore coercion.

You are taking a very simplistic view of this.

Your making making claims that I am wrong but don't say why. "It's voluntary" that's your argument, I am saying there are way to many other factors at paly to make it that simple.

If you are not free, then your not free to volunteer.

Admit it, you like the rodeo, and so your willing to sweep it under the rug


turkey_sandwiches t1_j5ygyq0 wrote

You can claim anything you want , but that doesn't make it true. People sign up to play Cowboy Poker on their own, regardless o lf whether they're in prison or not. Show some proof that people are being coerced and then we can take it seriously.


keano97 t1_j5ztg02 wrote

It's prison, where coercion famously happens all the damn time, ever watch a documentary on prisons?

Ye people can sign up for cowboy poker all the live long day, they are free people able to make a free choice. Prisoners do not fit this category

So you'd support gladatorial combat if all the prisoners "consent"

Very civilized.


turkey_sandwiches t1_j60103n wrote

Again, show some proof of your assertion. Otherwise you're just screaming into the wind.


Translator-Odd t1_j5s49wc wrote

The American prison system is absolutely fucked. Prisoners are exploited along every step along their 'rehabilitation'. It is absurd how most Americans don't understand how predatory our current prison-industrial complex is.