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turkey_sandwiches t1_j5ygyq0 wrote

You can claim anything you want , but that doesn't make it true. People sign up to play Cowboy Poker on their own, regardless o lf whether they're in prison or not. Show some proof that people are being coerced and then we can take it seriously.


keano97 t1_j5ztg02 wrote

It's prison, where coercion famously happens all the damn time, ever watch a documentary on prisons?

Ye people can sign up for cowboy poker all the live long day, they are free people able to make a free choice. Prisoners do not fit this category

So you'd support gladatorial combat if all the prisoners "consent"

Very civilized.


turkey_sandwiches t1_j60103n wrote

Again, show some proof of your assertion. Otherwise you're just screaming into the wind.