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hecticscribe t1_j5npij2 wrote

I don't know about inmates, but I knew a guy who played this voluntarily. The bull took out the table and the chairs of the other 3 guys' chairs (they ran). He was left sitting, and therefore won.


sparksofthetempest t1_j5nqb5a wrote

I see someone just watched the second season opener of Showtime’s “Your Honor”.


-Daetrax- t1_j5nqnv0 wrote

Anyone else been watching Yellowstone?


Gathorall t1_j5nsfh6 wrote

Well that's inhumane in countless ways. Par for the course of the American prison system I guess.


DrSheetzMTO t1_j5nvjjh wrote

Lived for a year in Oklahoma. Their prison system also did/does this.

Source: attended.


hecticscribe t1_j5nxou9 wrote

Lol, no. I live in western Washington. And the guy was the son of the CEO of a small company I worked for. Having prison inmates do this is pretty awful, but if people want to sign up and do this on their's dumb, but so are a lot of things people do.


svengoalie t1_j5oak7m wrote

I went and they also had a craft fair. Some prisoners were allowed to man the tables while others watched the sale from behind a chain link fence.


boonies14 t1_j5oghee wrote

They do this at non-prison rodeos as well. It’s not called Prison Poker, it’s called Cowboy Poker.


Jlassie82 t1_j5orlu1 wrote

This isn't a prison thing, its a crazy cowboy thing. Playing cowboy chicken is something that happens all over.


keano97 t1_j5owmyp wrote

Well the problem is that sometimes they are prisoners, and how this doesn't qualify as cruel and unusual punishment, I get it's voluntary but how voluntary is something that you use prisoners for?


Voidbearer2kn17 t1_j5q3bm8 wrote

*Hums United States of Whatever, but replaces the word 'whatever' with 'a Clown car'*


keano97 t1_j5q51py wrote

Yes prison, a famously voluntary place

Where no coercion from prion authorities or worse other prisoners ever takes place.

It's totally infeasible that another prisoner wouldn't threaten to kill another I'd they didn't do it and give them the money.

Where authorities wouldn't offer unwritten perks to those that take part in what I imagine is profitable for the prison.

/s just in case that wasn't obvious


keano97 t1_j5q5m4f wrote

They could be threatened by other prisoners to do it and hand over the money.

They could be offered perks from authorities

A prisoner is not free, and therefore is not in a position to freely make a choice, especially one so consequential to their well-being.

Also they are literally chained up and caged to, from, and during all but the times they are seated with a live bull rampaging around, so you could say they are dragged there.


GreatBigModernMess t1_j5qn07y wrote

“I’m as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!” -Blanche Deveraux


This_Bug_6771 t1_j5qp603 wrote

the USA is a barbarian country devoid of culture and civilization, a true blight upon the world


charlie_wow t1_j5r4c92 wrote

Theres another version of that game all about taking cheeks. That's the real prison rodeo.


SlimTrim509 t1_j5r6owl wrote

I was going to say the Northwest. My roots are deep in montana farm/ranch/rodeo country and I've lived most of my life in Eastern Washington. I've seen this live numerous times over numerous state.


quotemyfoot t1_j5rbuur wrote

I've watched this in person and it is the best think ever. People getting tossed 15' in the air left and right.


Translator-Odd t1_j5s49wc wrote

The American prison system is absolutely fucked. Prisoners are exploited along every step along their 'rehabilitation'. It is absurd how most Americans don't understand how predatory our current prison-industrial complex is.


Hurricane_Camille t1_j5sm770 wrote

So I’m a resident of Louisiana and have actually gone to the rodeo a few times. You may think it’s barbaric but for the prisoners it’s actually an honor to be able to participate. It creates behavioral incentives to reward them for good behavior to be able to compete in the competitions for prize money they get to keep (no one is forcing a prisoner to participate because they want to take their money)

There is also a craft fair where inmates are able to sell art, furniture and jewelry they made. They are able to set their own prices, interact with the customers and keep their profit. Many of the inmates see the rodeo as a rare opportunity to feel a part of society outside of the gates and take pride in showcasing their talents.

What is also great, is that some of the clubs/organizations in the prison have food tents setup during the rodeo, so any food items you purchase go back to help the prisoners extracurricular activities/quality of life.

The biggest thing to remember is that it is completely voluntary. Only those who have been on good behavior are allowed to compete. The prisoners love it and have great pride in being selected. If a prisoner didn’t want to participate, they wouldn’t sign up.


keano97 t1_j5so011 wrote


So you admitted I could be right, and then just sweep it under the rug and say no it doesn't.

Go enjoy your uncivilized gladiator matches, should we swing by the dog fighting Pitt on the way home, maybe watch a public hanging with the kids in Sunday?


gravitasgamer OP t1_j5st32i wrote

Of course it's barbaric! What are you on about? Whataboutism?

I haven't lived in Canada for almost 2 decades and don't particularly like much about it. Systemic slavery/dehumanization of one country doesn't cancel out the others.

I'm 3rd generation Canadian so...? TIL is about 'I recently found out' This horror against Native Canadians has been known to most well-educated Canadians for at least a decade.

Seriously what's your point? Moral relativism? You think I don't criticize my home country? Or I'm not allowed to criticize others because I personally sterilized native peoples?

Get a grip. We can be both be right about barbarism in a variety of cultures.


gravitasgamer OP t1_j5suvix wrote

Y'all don't understand freedom like America. Sure, the prisoners make 20 cents an hour and were sentenced because of drug laws that no longer exist. But they volunteer for the chance to make 500 and possibly get gored by a bull. /s

How many people commenting would do this for 500 bucks? Voluntarily?!

The Olympics-level mental gymnastics you need to reach that conclusion are up there with Simone Biles.


gravitasgamer OP t1_j5ta2e2 wrote

I never blamed the US for any of my problems. I didn't mention my problems. In fact, I praise the US for their defense of Europe!

Don't you claim to be an American with German ancestry? You should be ashamed of slavery and the Holocaust, no? Whatever generation of German you are is irrelevant.

The prison system in the US is by far one of the worst in the developed world. I'm not sure if you're a pro-American bot or a middle schooler with too much access to the wrong corners of the internet.

Both sides in history can be bad. You can call out all of the horrible shit that Canada has done but it's not an argument against the US' inhumane prison system. Nobody is arguing with you but yourself.


turkey_sandwiches t1_j5thhtm wrote

You could be right, but you aren't. There's a difference.

The entire prisoner rodeo thing is done by prisoners who sign up for it. Of course they're chained when they leave the prison, they're still prisoners.


substantial-freud t1_j5vqxdw wrote

[Apparently, the previous Redditor was under the misimpression that Reddit was product of New Zealand. Ditto with the device he used to access it, the OS it runs, the communication network they talk over, the computers that run the server, their OS. Ditto with most movies he sees, most websites he visits, most of the technology that sustains his life, most of the culture he enjoys..]


keano97 t1_j5xllvs wrote

So you just going to ignore coercion.

You are taking a very simplistic view of this.

Your making making claims that I am wrong but don't say why. "It's voluntary" that's your argument, I am saying there are way to many other factors at paly to make it that simple.

If you are not free, then your not free to volunteer.

Admit it, you like the rodeo, and so your willing to sweep it under the rug


turkey_sandwiches t1_j5ygyq0 wrote

You can claim anything you want , but that doesn't make it true. People sign up to play Cowboy Poker on their own, regardless o lf whether they're in prison or not. Show some proof that people are being coerced and then we can take it seriously.


keano97 t1_j5ztg02 wrote

It's prison, where coercion famously happens all the damn time, ever watch a documentary on prisons?

Ye people can sign up for cowboy poker all the live long day, they are free people able to make a free choice. Prisoners do not fit this category

So you'd support gladatorial combat if all the prisoners "consent"

Very civilized.


rhymes_with_chicken t1_j61r3i7 wrote

TIL most people haven’t been to a prison rodeo. They’re pretty good entertainment. We used to go to the one in Huntsville Texas in the early 80s