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_Ilya-_- t1_j5jnr3d wrote

Anything doing actual processing.

Not glorified desktop usage.

No one is thinking about someone's office computers and active directory when looking at the server space.

Also it isn't just the "web", like would you call machine learning web?

No one is running AI on Windows.


agreeingstorm9 t1_j5joopg wrote

Seems fair. You are defining "server" in a way that is completely different from how the IT industry defines server. Makes sense.


_Ilya-_- t1_j5joz32 wrote

You're defining server to include something no one in the industry actually includes.

Do you actually think any serious computing is done on Windows? Data centers, server farms, render farms, machine learning?

Enterprise IT? really? even then outside of offices that runs on Windows or Schools, RHEL dominates.

I work in software, fyi.


agreeingstorm9 t1_j5jq7u4 wrote

You work in software. I work in enterprise IT. You have no clue what you're talking about. The server industry is dominated by Windows. Walk into any company on the planet and I 100% guarantee you they have an AD environment. I guarantee you the vast majority of computers you will find in their offices are Windows boxes connected to that AD environment. Their email is going to be run by Exchange most likely. So you've got at least two Windows clusters right there. The applications they run probably also live on a Windows server somewhere and all of this is probably sitting on top of VMWare. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about if you think you can walk into a data center and 96% of the servers there are running Linux. That's delusional.


_Ilya-_- t1_j5jsmf9 wrote

> You clearly have no idea what you're talking about if you think you can walk into a data center and 96% of the servers there are running Linux. That's delusional.

Yeah, Windows dominates the data center environment.


herbw t1_j5uukk1 wrote

Uh. depends upon what you mean by doing work. Since adopting computers have found what took me about 1 hour to write, such as email, letters, and my clinical neuroscience work, can write 3000-4000 words/hour in a good day. 15-20 times more work using word processors instead of typewriter.

That is in a nutshell why we use computers. And with printers, and spell checkers, now finally with large enough vocabs for we professionals to use, quite a bit more.

I can with websites, as do others, advertize and connect cheaply with billions of users. It's in fact easier to send photons and electrons, than paper, and ink. Which is why, come to think of it, the papers AND broadcast media are collapsing.

Tech is way more efficient that ink/paper in 100K's of tonnes/day.

Efficiencies, doing more with less time, money, materials, etc., 2nd Law ThermoD are the way the universe tends to strongly.

Shockin #'s of people do not know 2nd law, and what least energy, drivin efficiencies here on earth & out across all observable space portends.

This is what's goin on

Universality. ThermoD driving most all processes includin fusion (universal star/galaxy shine), and growth/evolution as well.

Dr. Karl Friston is paramount in this work. Sadly, most have never heard of him.

If I'm beyond yer ken, then so is Dr. Karl Friston, dept. chair, UCLondon.


_Ilya-_- t1_j5wduhh wrote

The post you are replying to is talking about "servers", not general desktop usage.

General desktop usage is benign as you describe, any moron can type stuff on a computer, that's why the Windows operating system isn't exactly crucial to those means.

Yes, the universe obeys the laws of thermodynamics, but there are plenty of people who in an isolated context seem to defy that, right? They would rather write a letter than use a computer.

I have enough of a span of knowledge to get the gist of that principle, I've never seen it before, thanks for linking that.


herbw t1_j601x04 wrote

Word processing is easy to use. We use the most widely available, too . Sure Linux works, until the next better language comes along. Have seen many upgrades in Linux, haven't you? So, well, then.....