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Timbershoe t1_j5ja7w9 wrote

I really should stop responding, as you’re clearly angry I don’t agree you’re any sort of expert.


The 5 min you keep stating repeatedly.

>These are untrained socialites in the goddamn 1920's

No, the 1st class passengers were prioritised to lifeboats. The 2nd and 3rd class passengers were left in the water.

And human physiology hasn’t changed over the past 100 years.

>So you went in controlled conditions into some Arctic water, wow, so impressive.

It wasn’t controlled conditions. And it’s not so much impressive as direct personal experience. In fact, glacial run off water is 2 degrees colder than the open Arctic Ocean.

The key takeaway is I have more experience than you. Yet you continue to argue you’re the expert.

>Still haven't given me an approximate number for how long.

Depends. Up to 15min, I suppose.

>Have you ever had hypothermia? In the water?

No, I am not a fool. I’m not giving myself hypothermia in water just to find out what it feels like to die.

>Then I'd take your first-hand account.

Stop gatekeeping. Stop acting like you’re the expert here. That’s all I’m saying.

>And you just fucking admitted it! It was possible for them to go back and pick people up, without being swarmed by near frozen passengers.

I specifically said I had no opinion. It’s you that’s claiming the expert knowledge.

Read the accounts of the sinking, if you read the descriptions from the lifeboats, if you had any knowledge or experience at all I wouldn’t be calling you out.