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sirophiuchus t1_j5l6ydf wrote

I read it as him saying he had a quiet enough method that it couldn't be (easily) detected. No idea what that method was, though.


obscureferences t1_j5lc4hi wrote

Probably something based on his other disciplines, like saturating and collapsing the ground, or a lightweight portable bronze meerkat on a stick to deflect suspicion.


sunsetclimb3r t1_j5myoul wrote

"fun fact! The enemy cannot hear you mining if you simply kill them all first. Allow me to demonstrate! I shall need a volunteer..."


Wirse t1_j5m8w2o wrote

It’s likely to have involved some men aboveground who would, at the opportune moment, clear their throats quite loudly and boisterously - thus masking the sounds of the miners belowground.


seakingsoyuz t1_j5la4r5 wrote

This is total speculation, but anyway:

Underground warfare made a brief resurgence in WW1, because the front lines in Flanders were on top of soft chalk and the trench lines meant that the Western Front devolved into siege warfare. Counter-mining was also a serious concern, so the troops digging the tunnels would sometimes drill holes, soak the rock with vinegar to soften it further, then scrape away the top layer and repeat. This was a lot quieter than just hacking away with a pick.


SeiCalros t1_j5l80l4 wrote

its easy you just put pillows over the rock and the fortress thinks somebody is having a pillow fight instead of invading from underground


oh3fiftyone t1_j5mbdy3 wrote

Salesmanship, probably. His “covered vehicle” designs don’t seem particularly practical either.