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Noy2222 t1_j4zobyr wrote

I asked GPT to come up with original ones:
I think so, Brain, but if we put wheels on the chicken, wouldn't it be called a skate-a-Roost?
I think so, Brain, but if we put a mustache on the Mona Lisa, will it become a hipster icon?
I think so, Brain, but can you really make a suit out of bubble wrap?
I think so, Brain, but how do you train a squirrel to use a toilet?
I think so, Brain, but is it ethical to use a T-Rex as a vacuum cleaner?
I think so, Brain, but isn't it dangerous to play hopscotch on a tightrope?
I think so, Brain, but what's the point of having a pet rock if it can't fetch?
I think so, Brain, but if we put a tutu on a bulldozer, would it still be able to clear the land?
I think so, Brain, but if we replaced all the traffic lights with disco balls, would people still know when to stop?
I think so, Brain, but if we replaced all the books in the library with bags of chips, would people still learn?
I think so, Brain, but how can we make a suit out of jelly beans without getting sticky?
I think so, Brain, but wouldn't a unicorn horn make a terrible chopstick?
I think so, Brain, but why would anyone want to put a bowling ball in a washing machine?
I think so, Brain! But do elephants really need to wear tutus?
I think so, Brain! But isn't the idea of a square circle a bit of a paradox?


MacDegger t1_j507h2s wrote

What prompts did you use?


Noy2222 t1_j50a73k wrote

I filtered out all the phrases from
And prefaced with "Consider the following non-sequiturs. Come up with 5 original ones in the same style:"
I ran the generation 10-15 times, taking my favorite out of the bunch each time, as it seemed to bias a specific style of delivery each generation.