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I_FIGHT_BEAR t1_j6iz099 wrote

Yup. I’m from California, one of the oft-repeated ‘facts’ we bring up is that our state population is higher than Canada’s, which still to this day blows my goddamn mind. And if I’m honest, makes me want to move to Canada so I can fucking BREATHE


redstonebrain40 t1_j6j0e3l wrote

Highly recommended! Southern Ontario is basically just a big minessoda but maybe more progressive in general. Come out and visit Algonquin Park some day. And visit Toronto. Its all a treat!


Wired_143 t1_j6jipts wrote

Having fewer people around you is a really nice feeling. Canadian here. We moved from a small city (1+ mil) to a town under 15k. Best decision we have ever made.


ommnian t1_j6k1xfm wrote

As someone living in a truly rural area, calling a city with 1+ million 'small' kinda blows my mind...


Wired_143 t1_j6kx1fr wrote

I’m putting that size into perspective vs a city in California. In the U.S. the city centres are massive compared to the ones in Canada.