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Awordofinterest t1_j6jpvwc wrote

Was on a large landscaping job years ago. We had the apprentice on the easy job, with the petrol blower just pushing stuff into one area for clean up. We caught him sitting down. Apparently we ran out of 2 stroke oil and he didn't want to damage the machine by using straight fuel, good kid. (Usually we had a few one shots or a bottle knocking about, or someone would run out to grab some, but we were on a time limit this time). So we pointed to the rake and he thought we were joking.


Fake_William_Shatner t1_j6juonw wrote

>So we pointed to the rake and he thought we were joking.

Yeah, there are probably communication issues between different cultures.

Him; "I no speak primitive analog device."

You; "Just grab it with both of those hands you use on a joystick and move your arms. Nature will take over."