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wwarnout t1_j56i3oq wrote

While it sounds interesting, it is not very practical. If the rods have no maneuvering capability, aiming them from orbit is incredibly difficult.


Dawnawaken92 t1_j56iq7p wrote

They have a directional jet booster with wings at the tail end to guide it


[deleted] t1_j56y42f wrote



Mitthrawnuruo t1_j57pvez wrote

So you don’t do low orbit.

The effectiveness is quite good. We used similar devices dropped from jets to good effect.


[deleted] t1_j57qlhu wrote



Mitthrawnuruo t1_j57sf1l wrote

True, but is also makes them less effective due to the far lower impact speed.

Cluster bombs, are generally ground in and banned by most countries.

A tool for every job.


moschles t1_j58krio wrote

Can't get rods into position in any reasonable time. Impossible to aim them at targets. Etc.