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AbbreviationsWide331 t1_j5os6io wrote

Were those researchers seated on a couch with a blunt in their hand?


jimicus t1_j5qmn1e wrote

Sounds like it was something they did with their kids.

Bloody good idea - use something fun to teach analytical skills and recognise that sometimes ideas in books should stay firmly in books.


cows_revenge t1_j5oxdqt wrote

"Presenting to the emergency room-"


JiYung t1_j5q44e7 wrote

a man with aigehniuagewamgemia, meaning...


Callipygian_Linguist t1_j5qk4fg wrote

>aigehniuagewamgemia, meaning...

Wisdom Tree's (from its LSN tag, AIGE) Central German Uplands based office in the Gehn hills staffed by Korean Singer/Songwriter IU who spends an age each day trying to earn NFT's and Crypto on the Wam app in the blood.

Look at me. I am the doctor now.


MamaLlama629 t1_j5ot6k8 wrote

I hope that this was strictly theoretical research


teh_maxh t1_j5q8ils wrote

They considered an in vivo study but decided it would not pass ethical review.


Godtiermasturbator t1_j5p5ckx wrote

They tested it on the dopey researcher no one liked. “DAAuurr gee boss ya want me to take dat medicine? Ddaaahh sure!!”


TigBiddiesMacDaddy t1_j5pttmf wrote

Wow, ableism alert


Godtiermasturbator t1_j5pvx7j wrote

Me and every looney tunes writer, I’m good with that


fairie_poison t1_j5q0y0v wrote

You're holding your comedy to the comedy stylings of Silent Generation Racists from 1930?


TigBiddiesMacDaddy t1_j5pxz16 wrote

And? Does that excuse them for ableism?


FaagenDazs t1_j5qm5o3 wrote

Yo chill out, making jokes based on people being gullible, unobservant, or just plain dumb is the oldest joke in human existence. Nothing in the joke specifically points to disabled people.

If you take that stance, you're going overboard with it


Godtiermasturbator t1_j5qwr4z wrote

Nah they’re all right, I’m literally Hitler. Going overboard is super in fashion right now. Cancel all the things.


Kavaalt t1_j5rrt7o wrote

thanks reddit user "godtiermasturbator" for your riveting and nuanced opinions on culture


FearlessSeaweed6428 t1_j5ou9aq wrote

"The overall outcome for Grandma would be fatal catastrophic physiological collapse,"

Bye bye grandma...


olseadog t1_j5p5ju6 wrote

R Dahl knew that most of the children who read his books were smarter than many of the adults that he encountered on a regular basis. Especially the politician ones.


anim8or t1_j5p0r5s wrote

But the patient would no longer be sick


poisonous_frog t1_j5r1p3q wrote

Okay but if you follow the reference link from Wikipedia there's an INTERACTIVE game that lets you add the ingredients one by one to a bubbling pot and ticks off all the toxic effects that it will have on your body if you consume! 😂

You're welcome


bigbangbilly t1_j5pctpa wrote

So basically this is also an investigation on whether or not some of the deadly ingredients cancel out like corosive acid and bases?


teh_maxh t1_j5q814v wrote

No, it's just the various ways the ingredients would separately kill grandma.


Kindofsickofyou t1_j5ovbn9 wrote

Pharmaceutical companies would call those “ Side Effects”


pencilbride2B t1_j5qd05k wrote

Sounds like the next CHUBBYEMU video...


UncleYimbo t1_j5qi69l wrote

This man drank a marvelous medicine, this is what happened to his brain


Majestic_Electric t1_j5rnemj wrote

A teenager made George’s Marvelous Medicine. This is what happened to their organs.


UncleYimbo t1_j5qhyno wrote

Sounds like Roald Dahl was just straight up trying to kill some kids with this one


Newborn1234 t1_j5pspmj wrote

Desperately trying to find an alternative covid vaccine


bowlbettertalk t1_j5vigdt wrote

They must have been really bored during lockdown.


isaacyall t1_j5q61a4 wrote

Haha, I didn't need research to tell me this.


One-Mood t1_j5q8mgy wrote

The last medicine you'll ever need. Marvelous indeed!


Blutarg t1_j5q9spm wrote

But it does cure restless leg syndrome.


Anopanda t1_j5qozcw wrote

Can't get sick if you're dead....


TurkeyTerminator7 t1_j5rbkl2 wrote

They must have misidentified the active ingredients in the Purple Pills for Hoarse Horses


Majestic_Electric t1_j5rn8ut wrote

What did they expect? It has anti-freeze, FFS! 😂


Flicksterea t1_j5rq6j5 wrote

I'm just not sure why they needed to conduct research on what is very obviously not something safe to ingest.


Salmol1na t1_j5swywk wrote

Well I hope they didnt take too long cuz it’s Antifreeze and done. Nice work researchers - take the rest of the day off.


_bobby_tables_ t1_j5orc89 wrote

Thanks science! We'll cope with the cancer and all. You stick to researching hypothetical outcomes from childrens books.


TheFrev t1_j5pfck2 wrote

The "study" was two pediatric doctors and five children as well as public involvement from the families of St Chad's Primary School. It had no outside funding as mentioned in the supplementary study by the 9 year old - "No one paid us. We had the books at home already." My guess is that they were more concerned about spreading the news of the dangers of household chemicals (to the school) rather than an actually seriously wondering about the effects of the "medicine." It seems like they had a bit of fun and in the study mentioned how mimicry is a leading cause of poisoning among children and that 3000 die from poisoning in the EU and 28,000 receive treatment from poisoning in the UK a year. So, while it might not be curing cancer, having the parents and children involved in this study as an activity during lockdown means that they could have prevented a child or two from being poisoned. This was also around the time of the Tide Pod challenge. That means that "science" probably resulted in some public benefit. Which is good, because if they only spent time with their own children and didn't provide a public benefit like curing cancer, then they would be shitty individuals, right? Because if a scientist or doctor isn't working on some huge, big issue like cancer, then they are practically killing everyone who dies from it.

The study in question Also I'll include the conclusion from the kids. >At the start, Mr Dahl’s description is quite good. Later on though the medicine would be really, really bad. We do not think that children will make this exact medicine, but they might make other “medicines” which could be poisonous. Lots of poisons can be found in people’s homes. Making potions is fun and lots can be learned with this. Just make sure the ingredients are not poisonous please!


BurningPenguin t1_j5os5dq wrote

You are aware, that there are more than 2 scientists in the world?


Irate_Alligate1 t1_j5oxoob wrote

Yeah, there's a third: Bob.


jimicus t1_j5qn44i wrote

But considering the other two are playing around making George's Marvellous Medicine, Bob is doing all the work.

And he's exhausted.


freelovew1 t1_j5ou5p2 wrote

fun fact: ingesting this concoction may also result in cancer if subject survives.
