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a_rainbow_serpent t1_j5c9zlx wrote

Security on paywave/ rfid transactions is the spend limit ($100), transaction analytics and insurance. I had some teenagers pinch my card and go on a short shopping spree. The bank reversed the 20 odd transactions that I couldn’t identify without a second question.


TeamGodzilla t1_j5cerak wrote

In Canada, the limit is up to the store and/or the card holder. I have mine set to $25.00


bak3donh1gh t1_j5coz7j wrote

God that's low. Mines lower than $200 for sure. I've been pretty lucky in that the only time I lost a credit card at the bus stop, a nice older gentleman found it. Called all the people with the same last name in my area, and I think got in contact with my Grandpa at the time. I don't think I had noticed yet that I had lost it. I also didn't even know about Tap and pay at the time, somehow. So after he ID me when I came to pick it up and said well it's a good thing they don't have my pin, he explained that CCs have Tap on them.

Nowadays, I use Tap on my watch when I can.


TeamGodzilla t1_j5cu8y7 wrote

I was just going to say, I use tap on my phone.


bak3donh1gh t1_j5czomr wrote

I never bothered with the phone tap and pay b/ I was gunna pull something out, might as well be the card. That and some terminals being not compatible, while a card always is.

Though part of the reason for using the watch these days is it's basically always out and to help justify to myself how much I spent on it.(and now watch straps) Though when a terminal either doesn't have tap or the spot is in a weird spot I look kinda dumb, or at least in my head i do.


blue_bomber697 t1_j5d5ndx wrote

I have forgotten/left my wallet at home/work several times before where the phone payment was clutch. I don’t use it often, but it’s great to have it as an option.


blue_bomber697 t1_j5d5tob wrote

My tap is at $200. Very convenient for smaller purchases. It’s nice that Canada has allowed modifications for the card taps.