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biggreasyrhinos t1_j69p36w wrote

I've never seen it called Springfield style, just cashew chicken


thealthor t1_j6aax6h wrote

Jax, FL has cashew chicken on the menu at some chinese places but it isn't Springfield style, I haven't tried to get it in other places so I don't know beyond that but there are different types out there. I didn't even know it was a regional thing until this poor excuse of a dish showed up that was just chicken with some cashews scatter around and no sauce, that was when I learned the difference


CoreMemory_ t1_j69gst3 wrote

And it’s still far better than that dish they invented in Shelbyville!


Amazing-Yam6514 t1_j69r18r wrote

Morganville does have a good orange chicken though. That’s what they used to call Shelbyville. Anyway, so I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Gimme five bees for a quarter,' you'd say. Now where were we...oh yeah. The important thing was that I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn't have white onions, because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones...


Ozarkian_Tritip t1_j6a6pzf wrote

Springfield Mo, we're more than just the meth capital of America. We made some bomb ass chicken.


Gobblewicket t1_j6b886y wrote

Also have like 300 car washes and gas stations. With a church every 100 feet it seems.


thelancemann t1_j6fdgwa wrote

Sounds like a lot of money laundering for all the meth


Gobblewicket t1_j6g1oqs wrote

Nah, it's money laundering for the mega church James River Assemblies. Shit is scientology level in cultists behavior.


ReinaFoxx t1_j6a1xep wrote

Charges into bunker, smells burnt flesh from flamethrowers hey guys, I just got an idea for some crazy good chicken


Its_free_and_fun t1_j6aucdr wrote

Visited recently, the Chinese food in the whole town is surprisingly excellent. Can confirm.


Separate_Parfait3084 t1_j6b958x wrote

"cashew Kitty" "chicken and gravy"

In Springfield, 3 of the corners of each block is a Chinese place, gas station, and church.

Only negative thing about the dish is the "sauce" turns to jelly in the fridge.


themarcusknauer t1_j6b9eo7 wrote

I miss this dish. I do not miss Springfield.


BanTheGovernment t1_j6ivfkh wrote

I always find it interesting when I hear people who used to live here say that.. for me, Springfield is the best. I lived in Denver for years and HATED it with a passion compared to Springfield. Salt Lake City is the only other city besides Springfield that I kind of liked, but Springfield wins on all counts for me


Landlubber77 t1_j6a36dw wrote

Guy in a full on chef uniform running around the beach in Normandy screaming, holding a whisk and a wooden spoon like what the fuck am I doing here?!


beans3710 t1_j6dd16o wrote

I'm from there and had always told my wife about Leong the inventor being from Springfield. She never believed me. Many years later, we were in Bangkok and there was a story about it in the local paper in our hotel. I shit you not. Take that wife.


denisdawei t1_j6c7pao wrote

it looks like breaded Kung Pao Chicken


Obadiah-Mafriq t1_j6j642k wrote

I'm pretty sure Leong's was the first place I ever had cashew chicken, back in the 1970s.


AL3R0 t1_j69e24y wrote
