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jsudarskyvt t1_jaclv0m wrote

File a police report. Then your insurance will fix it and they can't take your deductible.


HeadPen5724 t1_jaco4u9 wrote

This is the correct answer. The police will also likely get in contact with Mr(s) Shaguar and chat about the damage.


TreeEleben t1_jadsi4w wrote

The police likely won't even care.


BudsKind802 t1_jae1abz wrote

Some nutbag threw a full energy drink can and scratched my car a few years ago because she was pissed I wasn't tailgating the car in front of me in a long line of traffic. The cops came, found the can that matched my scratch marks, told me I could be arrested for parking behind her and taking video of her, and then ghosted me when I said I wanted to press charges. Thanks, officer friendly!


whirlycroissant t1_jaei61m wrote

Not exactly the same thing but we had a driver damage a ramp attached to our house. I got pics of the license plate as they were driving away and of course pics of the damage, and yah the officer took our complaint and then ghosted. Later on I came across a post on FPF saying that police do not investigate damage on private property (not sure why our officer didn't just say this).


willynillyslide t1_jae7u3u wrote

Correct. It would be one thing if you witnessed the damage being done but the fact that you cant prove it makes it pretty tough for the police to care. Not that they would care much anyway.


tville1956 t1_jaea8km wrote

If the paint on the car matches the other one, I’d say that’s solid evidence to support the other car was there. I bet there’s matching damage on the other car too.


HeadPen5724 t1_jadyqmr wrote

I would hope the police would care about vandalism and destruction of property. It’s kinda their job. Either way doesn’t hurt to file a complaint.


00_Kamaji_00 t1_jae0nyi wrote

Idk when I called after an accident in Williston when someone else was CLEARLY at fault they said they would not send anyone to investigate and just to call my insurance company.


HeadPen5724 t1_jae1ru6 wrote

It’s possible they won’t care, I’d point out that with an accident though no crime has been committed, whereas here, keying the side of the car is in fact a crime.


Fromage_Damage t1_jaf32ou wrote

If they won't send anyone, just take pictures and file a report at the station.


somewhere_in_VT OP t1_jacw0y2 wrote

Hope the OP of the FPF has done this. Fortunately I wasn’t the recipient of this aggressive behavior.


wrenchindaddy802 t1_jae6je1 wrote

Doesn't mean they can't raise your rates. I had someone dip from a small fender bender recently, either one of us could have been determined to be at fault, but they didn't stick around long enough to figure out. I considered filing a claim to get the rear quarter repainted, but a quick Google search yielded the result that the average "uninsured motorist" claim adds 10 percent to your annual bill. I think I'll just keep looking at the scuff.


jsudarskyvt t1_jae80vb wrote

OP has the license plate of the person that did the damages. That plus the police report will ensure the asshole that did the damages or their insurer pays. And yes, their rates will probably rise. Deservedly so.


wrenchindaddy802 t1_jae894n wrote

Assuming you can prove it, otherwise it will be covered under uninsured motorist, which will raise your rates. Something to think about.


jsudarskyvt t1_jae8nm1 wrote

Maybe if your insurer is one of the biggies. Why I use a local company. When the same thing happened to me my rates did not rise.
