Submitted by beasttoyboyvt t3_119ccyb in vermont

Has anyone who smoked Marijuana recently applied to a Vermont Walmart for a job? Got a decent job offer, but I have heard mixed things about drug testing from some people I know who work in stores across the state.



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amoebashephard t1_j9lidhp wrote

Unless it states in the job offer that they test, it's against state law for them to do so.


d3dac1d t1_j9lpp1j wrote

Worked for Walmart for almost 7 years…smokes the entire time I worked there. they don’t test unless you are going for management or higher. I will say that even if it’s legal in Vermont they follow federal rules so they have a zero tolerance policy. If they suspect or you hurt your self they will test. You should be fine!


julsbvb1 t1_j9pwt61 wrote

Been at Walmart for almost 2 years now. Unless you trying to get truck driver job to bring freight to the stores. The actual stores do not do a drug test. I'm assuming truck driver you get tested. I work at the store in Rutland


NHiker469 t1_j9qfl1k wrote

Corporate urine teats are a joke. Anyone who won’t pass for cannabis should just fake it. Ez-pz.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j9lgq3r wrote

even if they do, faking it is easy. they won't actually watch you take a leak.

i doubt they do though


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j9m7pv9 wrote

It’s a oral swab, not a piss test as far as I know.

Except in Rutland where they just enjoy wiping it out.

Lol, sorry, ignore the second part but pretty sure the first part is right, at least that is what they do at Lowe’s and Home Depot.