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richstowe t1_ja2yuyf wrote

So Becca would have won anyway and therefore the media shouldn't talk about it ? And somehow this has something to do with her being out ? Wow .


RamaSchneider OP t1_ja32oco wrote

I didn't even imply what you seem to be claiming.

I did state that this story's line is about money corrupting our politics and not any specific elected official. I don't know the list of the political campaigns that have been caught up in this sordid affair, but according to any press reports I've read, that list is long and all across the political spectrums.

Should the Balint campaign finances be called to account? Absolutely, and as far as I know that is what is occurring - with the ready participation of Balint. I feel comfortable believing that if something untoward shows up, the Vermont press will be reporting on specifics.

But I think this story is more about the forest then the trees. We need to be aware of the influence that money has in our political system and how that system actively encourages corrupted/corruptable people to get in to elected office.
