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contrary-contrarian t1_j725816 wrote

We've gotta build more housing. Homelessness is largely a product of an impossible housing market.

Tell your representatives and senators you want them to support the housing bills in the legislature to make it easier to build in Vermont's towns and cities.


TheTowerBard t1_j729rcw wrote

Affordable housing and jobs that pay a living wage. You know, the extreme bare minimum of the American dream. Is that too much to ask?


Dangerous_Mention_15 t1_j74qheh wrote

Yes. The poors aren't welcome here. Go where you're wanted.

That sounds harsh but it's true. The policies of this state make lower income living near Burlington/Stowe/Upper Valley nearly impossible while finding a decent job outside those areas is not easy. Unless you like Rutland:(


For some reason I can't reply to the comment below (thank you reddit!), but I can edit my comment, so I'll use that as a reply.

People can leave - bus tickets are cheap, the USA is a gigantic country and there are lots of places that are more hospitable to lower income levels (e.g. you can earn a decent living, find solid blue collar to lower end white collar work, buy a house, and have a decent community. I have lived and worked a number of them.

The "can't" mentality is self fulfilling, but at least several of your ancestors didn't have that mindset and they had to overcome massive obstacles, some of which included the Bering Land Bridge, an ice age, and giant short faced bears... or one could get a Greyhound ticket...


Greenlettertam t1_j76aey4 wrote

The “poors” cannot just “leave”. The money required to do so is cost prohibitive. Also, finding work with the current public transportation system is tough too.

The “poors” are stuck here.

I understand your post and you’re right, but the housing crisis is a reality in many states. Here, one is more likely to freeze to death without a home. I believe that makes it a tad more urgent.

I think you feel the same way.


TheTowerBard t1_j74qu0b wrote

Well aren’t you cute. No offense, but this is the shit that’s not wanted, nor welcome here. Piss off.


SevenSparrowsSing t1_j729vzs wrote

Yes but housing also needs to be cheaper and there needs to be laws that only full-time Vermonters, buying their ONLY home, can live there. Otherwise it will just get snatched up by the wealthy again.


FearandLoathinginBTV OP t1_j72c1zl wrote

You probably can’t do that explicitly, but maybe they could implement a “Use Tax” where if you don’t personally occupy your home from October - April your property tax is increased by 100% or something similar.


mrwalrus88 t1_j748v3u wrote

I love the tax the hell out of second homes idea. And it boggles my mind why it isn't done. If we lose some rich people in the process we gain residents who pay income tax and spend their salary in the community.


landodk t1_j73xmk3 wrote

Unfortunately for second homes it’s a race to the bottom. Want to buy a second house near Stowe or Killington? Tax rate would definitely be a consideration


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j748sji wrote

There's no way I've ever heard of to prevent that from going to the work from home crowd.


FearandLoathinginBTV OP t1_j728rft wrote

In my opinion, since this has been a long running issue and there is legislative super-majority in Vt right now, if there is no major moves towards resolving the issue during this General assemblies term then every current Statewide and General Assembly elected official should be up for replacement.

There’s too much federal money floating around in the State’s hands for there to so little progress on this issue.


contrary-contrarian t1_j72fcsl wrote

Many people have been calling for wider investments in housing for a decade or more before this came to a head. The governor has vetoed measures that would have aided the crises already.

There are folks fighting the good fight but I agree the obstructionists need to go.


HillRatch t1_j74d6f9 wrote

The entire state legislature and governor are up for replacement every two years, regardless of what they do or don't do.