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Dangerous_Mention_15 t1_j74qheh wrote

Yes. The poors aren't welcome here. Go where you're wanted.

That sounds harsh but it's true. The policies of this state make lower income living near Burlington/Stowe/Upper Valley nearly impossible while finding a decent job outside those areas is not easy. Unless you like Rutland:(


For some reason I can't reply to the comment below (thank you reddit!), but I can edit my comment, so I'll use that as a reply.

People can leave - bus tickets are cheap, the USA is a gigantic country and there are lots of places that are more hospitable to lower income levels (e.g. you can earn a decent living, find solid blue collar to lower end white collar work, buy a house, and have a decent community. I have lived and worked a number of them.

The "can't" mentality is self fulfilling, but at least several of your ancestors didn't have that mindset and they had to overcome massive obstacles, some of which included the Bering Land Bridge, an ice age, and giant short faced bears... or one could get a Greyhound ticket...


Greenlettertam t1_j76aey4 wrote

The “poors” cannot just “leave”. The money required to do so is cost prohibitive. Also, finding work with the current public transportation system is tough too.

The “poors” are stuck here.

I understand your post and you’re right, but the housing crisis is a reality in many states. Here, one is more likely to freeze to death without a home. I believe that makes it a tad more urgent.

I think you feel the same way.


TheTowerBard t1_j74qu0b wrote

Well aren’t you cute. No offense, but this is the shit that’s not wanted, nor welcome here. Piss off.