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blE3p_bl00p t1_j746fve wrote

>There are, and this is the issue, private schools that receive public dollars and are not open to everyone. Those families argue for choice and they receive a voucher. This voucher money draws away from the publicly available education system that is open to all in that area.

Say it louder! If you want to go to a snobby school, you shouldn't get public funding.


NowIAmThatGuy t1_j752jdr wrote

I might argue that there shouldn’t be any other choice than public school and we should fund them as if they were private schools. Albeit, the research shows that private school educations are not any better than public.


landodk t1_j751rox wrote

What if you live in Manchester?


SVTer t1_j75387w wrote

You get to go to private school with tax payer dollars. I want in!


landodk t1_j753plw wrote

Just have to afford housing in Manchester…