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greenglasstree t1_jaa3guo wrote

I dunno. Vermont as a whole is majority atheist but Essex county is full of fat fundie Christians on welfare who constantly accuse LGBT Black Hispanic people of being on welfare.


New_Button228 t1_jac82b1 wrote

"There's no atheist in the foxhole" it doesn't matter if you practice religious beliefs or not at the very core everyone believes in some sort of higher power when put to the test. I don't say this to offend you or anyone else. I say this because at our core as humans we believe that we can transcend our transgressions of the past and become better, and to take it a step further if we can transcend ourselves then we become a higher power to some other living creature. No I'm not saying we become God's just better because we are less ignorant. At the end of the day isn't that how spirituality works.
