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NowIAmThatGuy t1_j76beae wrote

We also elect our legislators.


Cap1691 t1_j76g87h wrote

This. And, I believe the only way currently to remove a Sheriff is by legislative impeachment, a slow laborious process. The reason we are seeing so much corruption and abuse of office among sheriffs is due to lack of oversight and accountability. I fully support legislation to curb this abuse of office


NowIAmThatGuy t1_j76l2od wrote

I think it’s relevant that any elected official meet certain criteria for the role they are running for. I realize we do have minimal qualifications, but age, citizenship, residency are minimum qualifications. It’s a fine line of creating additional minimums that are relevant to the position while not excluding people or controlling who can be elected. For example, a college age man was elected to a towns tax collector position unseeded an incumbent who was an accountant for years prior to becoming the tax collector. The newly elected guy was not an accountant and was not even finished with his degree. Maybe it’ll be fine, but it’s seems reasonable to require the person to be a CPA or at least a degree in accounting. Again, we must balance these requirements with not excluding people from office.


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j76u8sw wrote

Same can be said about the state auditor. The position should be a CPA, but our current auditor isn’t.

I would be great if our legislative candidates had to take a math test to show they understood percentages and compound interest.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j7aemqd wrote

Nothing HAS to be slow about impeachment. It's a work avoidance thing.


Cap1691 t1_j7bpiyq wrote

First, you have to remember that we have a part time legislature with a full time job to do. Second someone has to investigate the allegations and develop charges. That alone is a significant amount of work. Then the House has to vote to impeach. After that the senate has to hold a trial. All of this has to happen while still conducting the other business before the legislature. So yeah, it’s a slow, laborious process.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j7exzg7 wrote

(quick bitch - nothing personal) I am sick of hearing about a part time legislature with a full time job. Every legislator applied for the job and put a great amount of effort into getting elected VOLUNTARILY. Perhaps ideas for a more lengthy legislative session with better administrative support would get further if the most common proposals didn't involve reducing representation for those of us NOT able to physically access the State House.

There are 150 state representatives and 30 state senators. I've spent time in the State House and I know the flow of business.