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TheTowerBard t1_j772xu1 wrote

We have a way, we just never use it. We can, as a community, decide to March one of these schmucks to the county line and tell them they aren’t welcome back. You’re right in that the community needs the authority here, but we already have it. What we need is community lead oversight and community organizing so we all know when to meet at the sheriff’s office to begin the March to the county line.

Most of these people aren’t even from the communities they work in and claim to protect. As for supporting them, I’ll support them when one of the supposed good ones starts speaking out strongly against the bad ones. If the good apples happily stay in the barrel with the bad ones, they’re spoiled too.

Just look at that POS in Addison county. Every other sherif should have been calling loudly for him to step down. That scumbag was charged with two counts of felony sexual assault, his ex-wife went public saying she experienced the same abuse, and everyone just sat back and said “oh well if he won’t leave on his own guess there’s nothing we can do, awe shucks.” That is insane. Beyond insane. It’s embarrassing and shameful. Every other Vermont cop should be disgusted to be associated with the profession here when that is allowed to happen. What a joke.