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bibliophile222 t1_j8ycl1q wrote

It is a law, but they don't prosecute or really do anything as far as consequences go, so don't stress too much. I'll be honest, I haven't been doing it for a few reasons. I live in an apartment, don't have the ability to make a compost pile (not even a yard to speak of) and the landlord pays for the trash removal, so I can't add it as any extra service. I guess the alternative is drop it off somewhere, but I haven't looked into locations, and again, being super honest, I am a lazy ass who really doesn't want to make extra trips somewhere, espeically if I have to pay for dropoff. I also have a tiny kitchen, so even storing an additional bin for compost is kinda tricky! I feel like when they made this law, they didn't really think about apartment-dwellers.


PerennialPangolin t1_j8zbb50 wrote

Your landlord is supposed to make some kind of arrangements for handling food scraps:

Unfortunately, one of the options listed is “require tenants to make an independent plan to manage their food scraps separate from the trash and confirm that this happens” which sounds like a pretty easy out for landlords…. They should at least have provided you with information about drop off options, though. (If you are interested, you can find a list of Chittenden County drop-off locations here. They all accept food scraps; $1 for a 5 gallon container, or free if you are also paying for trash drop-off.)


HappilyhiketheHump t1_j912889 wrote

The land lord could do that, but then the rent would have to be increased 10% for the annual consulting/planning fee.


Hipko75 t1_j8yzadg wrote

Yeah fuck the planet. Keep sealing your organic matter in plastic and burying it. Your “lazy ass” ways are more important than doing your part


swordsmithy t1_j8zoksq wrote

Thank goodness someone has the courage to use shame to create behavior change. It doesn’t work, and never has, but you’re really doing the lords work.


VTGrown t1_j8zwub3 wrote

Nothing says I love the planet more than burning tons of diesel to compost a little bit of food. In the state that shut down VT Yankee and massively increased their carbon emissions due to using less green energy sources...