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lantonas t1_j8yf7dz wrote

> or transfer station? They'll take it

Only $10 for a 5 gallon bucket at the local transfer station!


Ciderinsider86 t1_j8ygiqx wrote

What town do you live in? They're making money off your compost twice!


lantonas t1_j8yhlsh wrote

Casella Transfer Station in St. Johnsbury.


anniedee82 t1_j8yrlal wrote

Lyndonville doesn't charge for compost. It may be worth dropping off there


bonanzapineapple t1_j8zqbte wrote

Yeah, it's why I go to Lyndonville


lantonas t1_j903j4a wrote

How much extra gas are you burning to save money on composting?


Most-Analysis-4632 t1_j910jr2 wrote

If you’re already bringing your trash and recycling, that’s two $6 trips vs $50 monthly mid-tier Casellas ‘curb’-side pickup. Hit the grocery store and hardware store at the same time, and no one talking to you for an hour… I figure that’s the best deal I’ll get all week!


bonanzapineapple t1_j93l4e6 wrote

Nah Trash and recycling is included in the rent for my places, so I basically hoard the Compost and drop it off monthly. I think composting is an actually helpful thing for the environment (recycling... IDK) , isn't too much of a hassle, and think in VT theres a decent number of places that make it easy ish. Still, not gonna shame anyone who doesn't


Most-Analysis-4632 t1_j93nw7d wrote

Agreed. It’s one of those laws they don’t plan on enforcing, but gets people to engage a bit more actively with their waste stream. And it can actually cut down on food costs when you notice what foods you’re wasting.


lantonas t1_j92mu6v wrote

I'll rephrase my question.

How much gas are you wasting solely because the state has a composting law meant to be green?


bonanzapineapple t1_j93ktju wrote

Maybe $2. The Lyndonville transfer station also accepts other things like TV's for free, that the ST J one doesn't. Also, I usually do it when have other things to do in Lyndonville


gooker10 t1_j8z22zi wrote

Dump it in your back yard an turn it over in the summer every 2 weeks. Cooks down to garden soil


sixteenandseven t1_j8z6oe5 wrote

In Chittenden county, it's free as long as you're bringing in some trash anyway.


tripsnoir t1_j8z8gfb wrote

At the Williston station it’s free even if you don’t have trash to drop off.