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bibliophile222 t1_j9hs7kj wrote

I never know what to say when people ask where I'm from. I was born in NH and lived there until I was 8, then spent ages 8-18 in VT, then moved to MA for college and spent over a decade there, then moved back to VT for grad school. I wasn't born here, but I do identify with it more than any other state.


balding_dad t1_j9i17o4 wrote

Have you unironically called someone a flatlander? That seems like a pretty good litmus test to me.


SilverKelpie t1_j9metl7 wrote

Same. I was born in Virginia, but we moved when I was 5 years old, so all I have is a handful of memories. Am I from Virginia? I spent my formative childhood years in Kansas. Am I from Kansas? I lived the majority of my life in Texas. Am I from Texas? I live in Vermont now and feel more at home than anywhere else I've lived. Am I from Vermont? At this point I favor using where I am currently living, but I struggled with the answer for a long time since people have different, and strangely intense, ideas of the definition of "from" in the question.