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Kiernanstrat t1_j9k9vhn wrote

The way you presented his quote made it seem like you disagreed with his statement that you should treat everyone equally.


Kixeliz t1_j9kafqz wrote

Yea, let's treat everyone equally, after white people got a 200-year head start here. This "all lives matter" and "I don't see color" bullshit ignores the reality of the situation. It's great if you personally want to treat everyone equal. That's not how the world works. We have anti-discrimination laws because not everyone has such a rosy outlook. It's also used as cover by white people who don't want to address systemic racism and would rather play the "let's all get along" card like bigots are just going to change their tune if you're nice to them.


Kiernanstrat t1_j9kbkc9 wrote

You're starting to lose me. As far as I know anti-discrimination laws cover everyone and not specific races. Are you in favor of giving preferential treatment to certain groups of people over others?

Edit: Since it seems you blocked me I'm guessing the answer is yes.


Kixeliz t1_j9kc8ts wrote

and this is why I should check comment history before responding. Gotta stop feeding the trolls.


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j9oazil wrote

> I should check comment history before responding.

Ahh yes what a good idea only speak to those who share the same views. Very on brand:)


Kixeliz t1_j9ohehs wrote

Right, because after I blocked the guy he admitted he was trying to "expose" me with his questions. Not troll behavior at all, right? Just opposing views. Y'all mouth breathers really believe you're entitled to an argument and when you get blocked, you "win." Totally normal, well-adjusted behavior.

Edit: lol, the troll came back looking for more comments to respond to, this comment wasn't even a response to him. And he then brags about "exposing" me. But keep on acting like your comment history isn't public, and you're just asking questions in good faith. Back to the troll cave with you. I'd say enjoy your downvotes, but you probably unironically do. And no, I'm not going to show how to better hide your shitty opinions. I'll let you tell on yourself, you're great at that.


Kiernanstrat t1_j9usquy wrote

I asked you pretty direct questions which you refused to answer. Since I'm curious here is another. What did you see in my comment history that made you block me?

Edit: Jeeze you block quicker than a mod on /r/conservative. One last parting shot, you really should consider the possibility that you don't have everything figured out. Sometimes other people make good points, even if you don't like them. Just something to chew on.