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you_give_me_coupon t1_j9lv28n wrote

I know what woke people say it means. I have a white-collar job - it's impossible not to know.

That's why I know woko haram types have been calling for segregated "spaces" (to use their lingo) for a long time: school classes and clubs grouped by race, places at work or in public where certain races are excluded, etc. And yes, I've heard plenty of calls for segregated police forces, always proposed and defended on woke grounds.

We had a racially-biased covid vaccine program in this state FFS, despite no evidence that race made a difference to one's susceptibility to covid, and tons of evidence that class accounted for most of one's risk. Which should be obvious to sane people: a black software engineer (say) with a cushy WFH job was at much less risk than a Hispanic (for example) cashier who couldn't afford to stay home and had to go to work and get coughed on by obnoxious customers.

So yeah, I know. If proposing segregation sounds racist, it's because it is. An easy fix is to stop proposing segregation. The goal of woko haram ideology is to prevent working people of all races from coming together to fight for things that would benefit all of us: healthcare, livable wages, safe work, action on the climate catastrophe, etc etc etc.


immutable_truth t1_j9lwdsi wrote

Thanks for reminding me about that bullshit Covid vax program. I still kind of can’t believe it was real. It was literally saying: “skin color == this, get preferential vax eligibility.” Straight up racism in the name of self-righteousness - and as you pointed out, completely misguided.
