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BudsKind802 t1_j9m214s wrote

That's a nice article but nowhere in it does it support what you and Mr Viens are suggesting, which is POC police should only police POC. Instead what it says is that overall diversifying the ENTIRE police department has led to fewer minor crime arrests in minority areas. It also mentions women officers showed the same pattern, and the person featured in the article sums it up by saying:

> She and other local activists want to see more body cameras, community oversight of police, stringent use of force policies and more consequences for police officers who do harm while on the job.

I can't tell if you lack critical reading and argument skills, or if you're yet another bad faith troll.

Edit: I saw your other posts. You're definitely a bad faith troll.


WorkingMinimum t1_j9m8tsi wrote

I’m not suggesting anything other than what veins said being uncontroversial if you substitute his identity for a more palatable one.

As far as I can tell, viens never spoke in absolutes, never suggested that only black cops should police black communities. If you have that quote please share - OPs article is clearly biased and never presents what veins said in one unadulterated block.

It really seems like everyone wants to hate this guy for proposing reasonable ideas under the wrong identity and because he used one wrong word (which he did apologize for despite OP/article claiming he never apologized)