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Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7p3u3b wrote

And if you grew up here, work here and can't afford to buy? The problem with "can't afford to live here so leave" is very soon VT won't have any service industry workers. People will be cutting their own hair, fixing their own plumbing, etc.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j7p73xu wrote

I didnt say if you can't afford to live here than leave. I said if you can't afford to move here than don't.

Big difference.

I grew up here. Dirt poor. It took me about 18 years to finally get a house to call a home. It sucked and took every penny I had for 12 of those years going to a building project.

Locals are not being priced out by locals. They are being priced out by people who consider affordable to be way beyond the means of someone who came up here. They are playing you my man. STR are not the enemy, the reason you can't afford a house is work from home folks with NYC income and who are moving to places like Cambridge or Fairfax.


Hellrazor32 t1_j7piy8f wrote

Locals are pricing out locals. Both in the rental market and in buying markets. Scarcity of housing drives up cost, and refusing to build is what creates the scarcity. There are definitely NIMBY Vermonters who don’t want housing options to decrease their property value. A development of 10 homes across road from their home could mean they only get a 100k profit rather than 200k when (if?) they eventually sell.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7rxjle wrote

Whoops, my bad. That is a big difference.

Edit, we totally agree, I read your post wrong.