Submitted by SpaceCadet-333 t3_10wok35 in vermont

Hear me out. I’m a former Vermont resident with a background in agriculture. My husband is as talented and as humble of a cannabis grower as they come, and our dream is to move back and start a cultivation/manufacturing business. (I know everyone touts this, but…) we grow the good stuff — organic, in soil, regenerative with Korean Natural Farming techniques, terpy as hell, and high THC test results. But I ALSO know that our story is a dime a dozen. So what is missing in Vermont’s cannabis world? What are Vermonters looking for that they can’t find? Maybe concentrates?

Before you bite my head off for being another out of state opportunist - I’m just a mom trying to support my family and Vermont’s local cannabis economy by doing what we do best.



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nixxon t1_j7ofink wrote

VT has absurd limits on the strength of concentrates and edibles for the rec market. Hopefully they'll lighten up soon, but that's the situation right now.

Also r/vermontijuana


drinkingchartreuse t1_j7osash wrote

A progressive governor and legislators to pass real legalization and dissolve the idiotic cannabis board


happyonthehill802 t1_j7p4fge wrote

No one i know goes to a most legal states black market is cheaper and better....we all know 5 growers like you, or grow ourselves.


d-cent t1_j7pk2ak wrote

Yup. I love that they are there, so I can swing by after work if I'm totally out but I still support my local black market until the prices are reasonable.

I will also buy some things like gummies or a cannacigar one in a while, too. The big thing is the restrictions on concentrates are crazy too


RetiscentSun t1_j7prfna wrote

What’s missing the most is reasonable pricing. A slice should not be $50-70.


NoMidnight5366 t1_j7pwr2t wrote

There really is not a lot of money in cannabis sales/products. Look at every other state that has retail California, Colorado and coming soon Massachusetts — there are so many failed cannabis start ups. Just look at how the prices have dropped in MA and now with legal retail in all the surrounding states it’s going to be a tough environment for dispensaries and growers. Can you make money—-sure if you are really good but it’s a really competitive business.


SpaceCadet-333 OP t1_j7q1t6g wrote

Seriously thank you so much for your input, you guys.


BudsKind802 t1_j7qg9l9 wrote

Scott's definitely a large part of the delay, but the board once fully formed weren't able to issue more than a few outdoor grow licenses before the seeds needed to be planted in May, so much of what we have right now is indoor.


Opposite-Albatross95 t1_j93s7uj wrote

Hello how are you and family? Write me please I'm from Manhattan ny,,,cura thanks