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[deleted] t1_j7osy65 wrote



TheTowerBard t1_j7p78zb wrote

Oh look, a racist POS.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qhy4t wrote

I’m sure, says the white liberal living in rural VT.


TheTowerBard t1_j7qjm96 wrote

The person telling everyone else to not make assumptions (while using ignorant right-wing talking points, mind you) probably shouldn't make assumptions themselves.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7r2lcl wrote

Say the dirty lib who called a person of color a piece of shit. That’s the typical response from the left, name calling.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j7rppn2 wrote

F off you trump supporting loser. The adults are talking.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7rr7a0 wrote

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Dirty liberal hippy…lmao


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j7rrd45 wrote

Reported to Reddit. You need to be banned from this sub.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7rrpn3 wrote

Funny your are the only one using nasty names and swears though?


OkNotice8600 t1_j7rrsv5 wrote

Liberal love calling to ban everything the don’t agree with.


TheTowerBard t1_j7rrapx wrote

Again, making assumptions while telling others not to. I’m no fan of liberals, my friend. I not only read MLK’s letter from Birmingham jail, but I took it as gospel. Liberals (moderates) are doing far more damage to our country and society than the openly evil right-wing. MLK was right on the money with that one. Something all the libs that praise him seem to forget.

The only thing I don’t understand here is why someone like you would be using right-wing talking points and/or supporting that brand of politics.

No, tossing slurs around isn’t ok. At all. Ever. For any reason. Yet here you are, someone who has likely been a target of those slurs, arguing online that people shouldn’t care if others use them. You’re wrong. I’ve been a target of slurs as well despite your ignorant assumptions about who I am. Slurs aren’t ok, and arguing they are will only serve to make you look foolish every time.

I also see you deleted your initial comment…


OkNotice8600 t1_j7rssdj wrote

Nope, totally didn’t delete it. Prob banned. You’re missing my whole point. It’s a word. Why is ok for some to use and not others? I never said it was ok to use, just trying to figure out the hypocrisy. They want to punish some kid for using the same word that the so called victim (I’m sure) uses too. In fact I’m context, if the perpetrator skin was black, no one would have batted an eye. The kid wasn’t racist, he was using the same ghetto talk they all do. You really think his intent was racism?

And I’m not political, but let’s call it like it is. I would bet my life everyone on this thread identifies as dem or liberal. With no ideas on what those actually mean. You seem too but most others, no.


TheTowerBard t1_j7s34to wrote

I grew up here though, and I also have a daughter that is currently playing bball for her school in this state. I know for a fact they are using those slurs with a whole lot of hate behind it. They learned it from their parents who were doing it when I was playing as a kid.

Please do not give these people more credit than they deserve. I’m sure I don’t have to tell you how racist a place Vermont is. We get away with a better reputation than we deserve simply because there is such an extreme lack of diversity here.


Abitconfusde t1_j7p3qgt wrote

Maybe Florida is a better fit for you, my guy bitch?


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qi5yl wrote

It’s gal, but no thanks anyway. I’ve been to both and the are equally trashy in their own ways. I’m sure you can see a confederate flag from your front door, loser.


RamaSchneider OP t1_j7ou49r wrote

I think you'll find that it's the difference in intent and definition that matters. I don't know you, so this next sentence is not meant to necessarily describe you in any way: There are people I can walk up to and say "Hey shit-for-brains, what's up?"

But there are way more people who are going to react in unfriendly ways.

If I say that phrase to a friend who knows what I mean, that's one thing. But the stranger who looks at me and wonders what is coming after the "shit-for-brains" .. that is a problem.

The solution is simple too. I'll be you know what it is - the Burlington HS BB players do.


MargaerySchrute t1_j7q4kq9 wrote

Well said Rama. Thank you for mentioning the intent. Any word can be hurtful is the intent is malicious.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qijdf wrote

Yes, you really don’t know me. Lmao. Please explain to me how to use a word, probably white liberal, living in rural VT. Yes all VT is rural. I am black, please lecture me more on it sir.


CynicallyCyn t1_j7p3mfu wrote

Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist 🤦‍♀️


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qg7ha wrote

How about I tell you I’m a black lesbian from Haiti originally 🤣🤣🤣 you dotard!!


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j7rqifl wrote

I literally believe nothing you say here. You come across as hateful, ignorant, and pathetic. I don’t care what sex, gender, or race you are. That’s the thing about us not racists liberal Vermonters. We only judge you on if you’re an asshole or not. Liberals are not racist almost by definition lol. Some might be but that’s rare. The heat your feeing in this thread is the healthy VT disrespect for ignorance and hate. You need to cool off, turn off FOX news, and make better friends. Otherwise you’re just the loser in the thread calling your allies racist.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7rrfx5 wrote

Oh so sanctimonious. “Heat” lmao. You’re all virtue signaling liberal dems living in rural VT. You know nothing of the thing you speak about. All you know if how to insult and name call. What a foul mouth, very typical lib behavior.

The value of triggering all you dotards is worth so much more then your fake reddit points. Get a life


0fficerGeorgeGreen t1_j7pb97k wrote

I remember when I wished I could say that word. But then I grew out of my angsty teens.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qhler wrote

Well, you were an idiot for “wishing” to say a word. I’m glad you’re grown up now. I’m luck to be Haitian so I can say whenever I want I guess.


HardTacoKit t1_j7p80lw wrote

Weird how?


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qhtqo wrote

Weird that it’s ok for one group to use a word as a term of endearment, but if another race uses it, it’s very bad. What don’t you understand? If a black man uses the word towards another black man but is aggressive in action, is he racist??


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j7rqn8r wrote

You sound very uneducated. If you don’t know the answer to your own question I fee sorry for you.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qet8j wrote

I’m black and lesbian…but you all do you. All your replies are so cringy my pattern can’t even read them all 🤣🤣


[deleted] t1_j7pz3gr wrote



OkNotice8600 t1_j7qgzl3 wrote

Hey. I didn’t say either. I’m pointing out the hypocrisy over a word that one culture used liberally and the other group can get murdered for using it. It’s a word. The “connection” you’ll cry about is so far removed from these kids it’s laughable. They listen to the word all day, and use it as a term of endearment. Wake up, they are a culture, not a race. Plenty of white people I know use it too.


[deleted] t1_j7p5umk wrote



TheTowerBard t1_j7p7apa wrote

Oh look. Another racist.


xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_j7pty3u wrote

Trigger me timbers captain!


TheTowerBard t1_j7pygpr wrote

I know right? So many fragile racists getting triggered in the comments here. I totally agree with you, it's incredibly pathetic.


newenglandsouth t1_j7p9h89 wrote

So you deem hypocrisy a good practice?


TheTowerBard t1_j7palwx wrote

I deem being a racist a bad practice. You should consider stopping.

Also, I’m not particularly interested in your bullshit mental gymnastics you scumbags use to make it easier to sleep at night. If your spending this amount of time and energy reacting to this article in this way, you are truly a vile scumbag racist POS. I’m sorry if that reality hurts your fee fees, but maybe reflect on it a bit.


newenglandsouth t1_j7pbtyz wrote

You have followed the liberal MO to perfection. You have not answered the original question at all while attacking me personally - someone you do not know personally.

So to recap to help you along… (I’m paraphrasing)

  1. The original question posed was “Why can black people use the “n-word” while non-black people can not?”

  2. I replied “It is hypocrisy to do so.”

  3. Your turn - try again…


TheTowerBard t1_j7pcg54 wrote

This is a conversation that has been going on longer than either of us have been alive. Stop making your ignorance everyone else’s problem.


ilagitamus t1_j7pdnl3 wrote

It’s not hypocrisy, turns out a racial minority taking ownership of a racial slur and using it in their own context and intents is a nuanced issue too complex for your tiny racist brain to comprehend.