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CynicallyCyn t1_j7p3mfu wrote

Tell me you’re racist without telling me you’re racist 🤦‍♀️


OkNotice8600 t1_j7qg7ha wrote

How about I tell you I’m a black lesbian from Haiti originally 🤣🤣🤣 you dotard!!


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j7rqifl wrote

I literally believe nothing you say here. You come across as hateful, ignorant, and pathetic. I don’t care what sex, gender, or race you are. That’s the thing about us not racists liberal Vermonters. We only judge you on if you’re an asshole or not. Liberals are not racist almost by definition lol. Some might be but that’s rare. The heat your feeing in this thread is the healthy VT disrespect for ignorance and hate. You need to cool off, turn off FOX news, and make better friends. Otherwise you’re just the loser in the thread calling your allies racist.


OkNotice8600 t1_j7rrfx5 wrote

Oh so sanctimonious. “Heat” lmao. You’re all virtue signaling liberal dems living in rural VT. You know nothing of the thing you speak about. All you know if how to insult and name call. What a foul mouth, very typical lib behavior.

The value of triggering all you dotards is worth so much more then your fake reddit points. Get a life