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TheTowerBard t1_j7palwx wrote

I deem being a racist a bad practice. You should consider stopping.

Also, I’m not particularly interested in your bullshit mental gymnastics you scumbags use to make it easier to sleep at night. If your spending this amount of time and energy reacting to this article in this way, you are truly a vile scumbag racist POS. I’m sorry if that reality hurts your fee fees, but maybe reflect on it a bit.


newenglandsouth t1_j7pbtyz wrote

You have followed the liberal MO to perfection. You have not answered the original question at all while attacking me personally - someone you do not know personally.

So to recap to help you along… (I’m paraphrasing)

  1. The original question posed was “Why can black people use the “n-word” while non-black people can not?”

  2. I replied “It is hypocrisy to do so.”

  3. Your turn - try again…


TheTowerBard t1_j7pcg54 wrote

This is a conversation that has been going on longer than either of us have been alive. Stop making your ignorance everyone else’s problem.