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Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7pf24t wrote

California is the only blue state that is warm year round. That makes sense. What happened here?


DaddyBobMN OP t1_j7phfvg wrote

According to the article VT also provides temporary shelter better than anyone else. Perhaps that's at least a region draw.


hotseltzer t1_j7pnvqa wrote

The hotel voucher program is absolutely a contributing factor.


crazypamplemousse t1_j7qc64l wrote

Completely disagree with you. There are limits to who can enter the emergency housing program and you can’t simply walk into the state and get housed the next day. If there even is an appeal to the emergent housing program for homeless individuals in other states, the reality hits the second they arrive here and realize they can’t get housed.

~ someone who works with the homeless population


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7qlc01 wrote

You absolutely can walk into the state and get housed that day.


crazypamplemousse t1_j7qmhdn wrote

You are wrong. Pretty much no one who is homeless is getting housed the very same day right now. Period. Don’t believe me? See yesterday’s availability per Economic Services:


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7qn4t1 wrote

Doesn't mean they aren't eligible. There are no durational residency requirements for state benefits in VT that I know of. I can guarantee there aren't any durational residency requirements for housing benefits.


sixteenandseven t1_j7s1nul wrote

Yer just dead fucking wrong about that. You absolutely *cannot* walk into this state and get housed that day. I don't know why you're saying this shit - what's your source?


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7s2a8a wrote

There may not be a room available for you but you could be eligible on your first day in Vermont. My source is DCFS publicly available rules


sixteenandseven t1_j7s3ofx wrote

You said "you absolutely can walk into the state and get housed that day." That is completely untrue. You didn't say "you could be eligible for housing on your first day in VT," which may be true. You just said some untrue shit and now you're claiming you never said it.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7s40mf wrote

The comment above was about whether or not people come to the state and can be housed right away. They can, if there is space. I would imagine in the summer a room is available right away. In the winter, it's not. I promise you i know more about this program than you do.


sixteenandseven t1_j7s9xvr wrote

What you said, and everyone downvoted, was that you can "walk into the state and get housed that day." You're "imagining" what the circumstances are, not "knowing" what the circumstances are.

And for what it's worth, you might know more about this program than me, if you mean the technical rules or how it was put together. But if you think you're on the ground finding housing for more people than me on a daily basis, knowing how the program *actually* works and how people *actually* get a warm bed at nightI'm gonna call bullshit because I'd fucking know you if you were.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7sapmr wrote

Lol, it's a reddit fight. I don't care. I could have been more clear, sure. My apologies. It does sound arrogant to say I know more but in this case I do. There's some nonsense in the original post about an emergency housing board. That doesn't exist. Lots of sort of correct info in this thread. It's funny.

The self righteousness is a little much.


RoadFlustered t1_j7s098t wrote

Absolutely false. I work with the homeless population and it takes days to weeks to even find an opening, especially in the winter


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7s0ny2 wrote

You're missing the point. There is no rule that bars people new to the state from housing. Whether or not there is availability is totally different.

I also work with the homeless population


RoadFlustered t1_j7s12et wrote

No, I’m not missing the point at all. I know how the system works. I’m telling you that there is a waiting list long enough that when new people come to the state without housing already set up, it takes weeks or months, plural, to find placement for them, and that’s if they don’t die to the elements or something else first. I do this for a living every day. I see it every day. You’re talking about a theoretical that has absolutely no application whatsoever to the reality of the situation. You quite simply just do not know what you’re talking about, at all.

EDIT: If you work with the homeless population, I feel even more sorry for them than I did before.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7s9x7z wrote

Ha! Likewise bro. You're making shit up. If you're an advocate you're doing more harm than good. When people who know this stuff hear you talking about people dying in the elements, they know you're full of shit. That hasn't happened in a decade or more. Another clueless person on a self righteous rant. When did you get here from jersey?


RoadFlustered t1_j7su1wk wrote

Spoken like a person who hasn’t literally received an email about someone they worked with dying in the elements. Fuck off.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7svdji wrote

I'm sorry to hear that happened, but it didn't happen in Vermont.


RoadFlustered t1_j7svrwk wrote


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7sz8sg wrote

Huh, must have missed that one. From one piece of shit to another, I hope you are able to work off your trust fund and feel better.


RoadFlustered t1_j7ty8kl wrote

The Venn Diagram of the reality you seem to live in, and delusion, is a circle.


they_have_no_bullets t1_j7slejo wrote

Highest rate of homeless people, simultaneously the lowest rate of "unsheltered" people. Let me break it down for you: VT provides shelters for homeless people, this atttacts homeless people to VT to get access to the free shelters, and since VT has low population density to begin with, that influx of people is enough to skew the numbers so that VT gets listed high on homeless people per capita. Basically, VT is the only state that's trying to actually help the homeless.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7snd9c wrote

I think there's a specific reason VT is "the only state that's trying" related to the amount of funding per capita but I don't disagree.


they_have_no_bullets t1_j7u4af9 wrote

The mountains, the cold , and low population density make it bad for business -- but popular with those that value natural beauty. The valuing of beauty is an empathetic trait. Thus our more liberal policies. Liberal policies create a snowball effect that bring in more liberally minded people like being the first state to recognize gay marriage. Trying to help the homeless is also a more liberal policy


Hagardy t1_j7u346i wrote

Both states have highly restrictive housing policies and extremely expensive real estate.

It seems unlikely to be a coincidence that rents and home prices have nearly doubled in our state at the same time homelessness has shot up.