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xxxDog_Fucker_69xxx t1_j7pwcdi wrote

Imo they can fuck right off and go back to whatever state they came from. Not my concern to house those that actively ruin my community and make it a worse place for everyone else.


DaddyBobMN OP t1_j7pxr7i wrote

One third of that number are Vermont families with children.


cohray2212 t1_j7rew4g wrote

Man, I really want to believe democracy can work in the 21st century but we keep churning out dumber and dumber people whose singular goal in life seems to be to make the US a worse place to live in.


jsudarskyvt t1_j7q06z5 wrote

If someone wanted your opinion they'd give it to you.


ceiffhikare t1_j7q4wdl wrote

So is Make Exile Great Again the archaic catchphrase of this upcoming election cycle? I'm not so sure id be ok with that considering we have sorta run out of planet to claim. This could monkey's paw pretty fast if codified into law.
