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they_have_no_bullets t1_j7slejo wrote

Highest rate of homeless people, simultaneously the lowest rate of "unsheltered" people. Let me break it down for you: VT provides shelters for homeless people, this atttacts homeless people to VT to get access to the free shelters, and since VT has low population density to begin with, that influx of people is enough to skew the numbers so that VT gets listed high on homeless people per capita. Basically, VT is the only state that's trying to actually help the homeless.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7snd9c wrote

I think there's a specific reason VT is "the only state that's trying" related to the amount of funding per capita but I don't disagree.


they_have_no_bullets t1_j7u4af9 wrote

The mountains, the cold , and low population density make it bad for business -- but popular with those that value natural beauty. The valuing of beauty is an empathetic trait. Thus our more liberal policies. Liberal policies create a snowball effect that bring in more liberally minded people like being the first state to recognize gay marriage. Trying to help the homeless is also a more liberal policy