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random_vermonter t1_j7rz2hv wrote

Had Covid back in October and it was not fun. I've been masking up since and recently got a second booster and flu shot at same time. Not taking any more chances.


Trajikbpm t1_j7s806d wrote

I mean they bascially said the vaccines only work for a couple months and are really only good for short term in high risk or elderly.

Not to mention the FDA going after Moderna for withholding information that the boosters aren't even made for the new strains and basically was a waste.


phred14 t1_j7saff7 wrote

There are two aspects to this - antibodies and white blood cells - T-cells and B-cells. Yes, the antibodies fade in a few months. The T and B cells don't. That's why they say that you still get protection from more severe disease.

We have a "perfect is the enemy of good" here. No, the vaccines aren't perfect. But they are pretty good, they do help, particularly so it's not so bad if you do get it. The find point is that just because they're not perfect doesn't mean they're completely useless, because they're not.

I'm over 65, I've gotten all of my shots on-schedule, and I still mask when going indoors into "public air" like supermarkets, and such.


random_vermonter t1_j7s8rwq wrote

I really don’t need/want to hear this stuff. I’m just glad to have gotten over covid. My doctor did not believe that I was immuno-compromised and I plan share my experience with him. It was shortness of breath, nausea, abdominal pain and I think diarrhea. I went back to masking and continue to mask in public spaces.


Trajikbpm t1_j7s998m wrote

I'm two weeks out and still dealing with severe left side pain with no explanation. Currently going thru tests. I'm also vaxed btw.

Its just infuriating how horrible this has been and still is being handled..

Im glad you're well now.


beaveristired t1_j7ukkg2 wrote

Not a doctor, but did they check your spleen? Some viruses (mono, studies indicate Covid as well) can cause enlargement of spleen. I’d make sure they check pancreas and liver enzymes as well. Hope you feel better soon.


Trajikbpm t1_j7v53ib wrote

I've been fighting with them to check things. The pain has stayed consistent for over two weeks.


beaveristired t1_j7uk50o wrote

That’s overstating the moderna situation. A small subset of info wasn’t included, but was posted online pre-print, published in a medical journal, and included in another FDA document, but not presented directly to the advisors. FDA advisors have said they wanted transparency, but the additional info wouldn’t have changed their vote.

CDC studies show real-world effectiveness against severe disease with latest variants: