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FyuckerFjord t1_j7reizo wrote

You should stand outside with a white balloon and wave at them.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7qtic8 wrote

Winooski all the time. The sound of freedom is the line we usually get.


explosivebuttfarts t1_j7rbtj1 wrote

I feel so free. I like to think about how they each cost like $40,000 an hour to fly.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7rc293 wrote

Basing them in the middle of the most populated area of the state is a bit of a head scratcher but I'm used to it at this point. Worse in the summer with windows open, but you just stop what you're doing until they're gone.


explosivebuttfarts t1_j7rdfme wrote

I get why they put them in Burlington, there's no other airport in the state that could handle it, but like, why tho.


Corey307 t1_j7rehaq wrote

Money. Federal dollars keep up the runways and provide fire and emergency medical services to the airport, the airport doesn’t do a lot of business these days so without the military base it would struggle. Airport navy does 2/3rds the passenger volume it used to pre rona and even then it was rarely all outside of 4-5 hours a day.


Careful_Square1742 t1_j7rh56s wrote

you're 100% correct. without vtang and the f35s, I seriously doubt the city could afford to keep BTV open.


explosivebuttfarts t1_j7rfpit wrote

Totally fair, it's just too* easy to separate that good and real benefit from: "wow, this loud and expensive murder machine is frustrating, and that money could help a lot of people in this community" even though there's other benefits and dollars coming in because of them.

Edit: a word*


Corey307 t1_j7rh2nc wrote

Thing is those dollars would not go to the community, the F-35’s would go to another base bringing money and jobs to another community.


IAmAnthem t1_j7sgema wrote

We get the sound of freedom in Virginia from USMC live fire exercises 30 miles away. The big guns make a big enough explosion to feel like a small earthquake and sounds like thunder.


Necessary_Cat_4801 t1_j7shjpc wrote

Haha damn. I bet. We used to have other jets, and the city airport flight path is right over head. You better hope you don't get F-35s. Idk how they compare to artillery so I may be wrong. Passenger planes are not so bad. The old jets were loud. They were F-16 or F-14 I think. F-35 is a whole other thing.


zombienutz1 t1_j7t6t40 wrote

F-16 and F-4 before that. Grew up under the F-16, now live under the F-35. Wouldn't suck so much if they didn't rip two sets of 8 overhead back to back.


whaletacochamp t1_j7r5u6d wrote

Wtf….I live in Fletcher and have been home all day and haven’t heard a thing.

That being said, every once in awhile a jet that appears to maybe be privately owned will buzz the mountain behind my house top gun flyby/fortunate son style. I’ve felt like the Vietcong out in my garden all tranquil and quiet, and then within 5 second a very low roar becomes ear piercing and a fighter jet screams over close enough to touch it. Gone and silent just as fast as it came. Because of the topography where I live it will literally go from silent to ear piercing fighter jet noise in seconds. Kinda cool honestly.

Whereabouts in Fletcher? I’m curious now if someone nearby has a private jet that they fly a lot. Also find it funny that I grew up in Vt and barely knew of Fletcher, now I live here and seem to randomly find people who also live in Fletcher quite often.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j7sudf9 wrote

you can see planes on sites like flightradar24, it'll tell you who owns them and everything. plus how high they actually are and where they're coming from/going - you might be surprised to see how many planes are coming from/to Europe!

very, very unlikely that's a private jet though. I mean it depends how high they actually are, but a private jet flown by their owner is incredibly rare even among Uber rich who charter private jets. and none who have them are gonna be fucking around at low altitude - definitely sounds like military training.

the only one I know of in VT is the CEO of miracle grow who has a couple hangers in Springfield. private jet and a couple other cool planes


whaletacochamp t1_j7u25kb wrote

To be clear I don’t mean private jet like swanky jet liner. I mean like single seat fighter style jet.

I had this discussion with someone else recently and they mentioned that, apparently, there is someone or a few someone’s in the general area who own small training type jets.

The low altitude flight does raise the question of legality if not for training. But I can tell you the jet that I saw is not an American jet commonly used for training in our area (def not an F15, 16, 18, 22, 35 etc) almost looked like a Mig.

Hasn’t happened since but if it does I’ll check the flight radar.


KITTYONFYRE t1_j7uoq0w wrote

Might be one of these, which would lend credence to your "rich local" hypothesis. Still, these burn hundreds of gallons of jet fuel/hour (at like $8/gal), not to mention maintenance costs. so definitely not just normal rich person, lol. but if it was one of these, it'll definitely show up on flightradar24. sometimes military jets don't. if it doesn't show up, that doesn't mean it's definitely military (down low, radar coverage gets sketchy - generally I can't establish contact with Boston til ~3,500 ft or so).

also, legality wise, for uncongested/rural areas you just need to be 500 ft from any person or structure, so pretty lax. that doesn't mean it's smart to do, though, unless it's a training exercise where you have to take that risk.


whaletacochamp t1_j7up4je wrote

That’s almost exactly what it looked like (but a different color, grey/blue I believe)


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j7uoruu wrote

Aero L-39 Albatros

>The Aero L-39 Albatros is a high-performance jet trainer designed and produced in Czechoslovakia by Aero Vodochody. It is the most widely used jet trainer in the world; in addition to performing basic and advanced pilot training, it has also flown combat missions in a light-attack role. Unusually, the aircraft never received a NATO reporting name. The L-39 Albatros was designed during the 1960s as a successor to the Aero L-29 Delfín, an early jet-powered principal training aircraft.

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Papa-Delta t1_j7ro05w wrote

There’s a military training route that probably goes right over your house. It’s used to practice flying fast and low


GumpMTB t1_j7rs10c wrote

Yep, looks like the VR 1800 military training route goes right over Fletcher.
For those that want a little more information:

Skyvector shows a map of the airspace around us.

The FAA Aeronautical Information Publication describes MTRs and some other military airspace.


WheezeThaJuice OP t1_j7w35he wrote

Well shit. I had no idea that flight path went right over us. But just checked the map and sure enough. That explains it all. Thanks!


VermontRox t1_j7t7et9 wrote

I’m not seeing that and, as a pilot I’m not aware of any training areas near Fletcher. Please explain.


GumpMTB t1_j7u7md3 wrote

If you check out the chart on Skyvector, you’ll see a light grey line over Fletcher that is marked VR 1800. That is a military training route. MTRs are designed for low altitude high speed training.


5708ski t1_j8383vz wrote

Im on their flight path to Europe. I'll be the first to know if shit is kicking off lol.


SnooKiwis6943 t1_j7sxulm wrote

I live out on the west coast and have been hearing a lot more military jets lately too.


WheezeThaJuice OP t1_j7qwm7k wrote

LOL at the downvotes. Reddit is so petty.


Room07 t1_j7sk5s8 wrote

Reddit f35 post brings the wrath of freeedum warriors. Fuck those jets.