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captainogbleedmore t1_j7s2vd0 wrote

Printers? Librarian here to say that fair use is only up to 20% of a book and cannot include core elements of the text. Your president is advocating copyright infringement. Would also point out that libraries are part of accreditation. That being said, a digital library is still a library, but good luck telling that to NECHE!


Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_j7txp5c wrote

They say facilities.

Information, Physical, and Technological Resources

7.21 The institution has sufficient and appropriate information, physical, and technological resources necessary for the achievement of its purposes wherever and however its academic programs are offered. It devotes sufficient resources to maintain and enhance its information, physical, and technological resources. (See also 4.10)

7.22 The institution provides access to library and information resources, services, facilities, and qualified staff sufficient to support its teaching and learning environments and its research and public service mission as appropriate.


captainogbleedmore t1_j7u213j wrote

Don't overlook the staffing line either, you should have a certain ratio of librarians to students. Previous NECHE requirements had an entire section devoted to libraries but sadly this was all they left in the most recent revision.


INTPLibrarian t1_j7vgs0n wrote

Right? (Academic librarian here, not from Vermont, just searched to see if this story was on reddit.) Our most used e-book vendors prevent you from printing more than a certain amount. A few do, but not the majority.

Plus, there are a LOT of books that simply aren't available digitally!

My library currently purchases a book as an e-book if it's available. Guess what? We still purchase a lot in print.


prettypeepers OP t1_j7vqxdp wrote

We have so many books in our library on the Johnson Campus that are pieces of history. Countless texts that 100% would NOT be available in a digital medium. They say they will "donate" the books, but no matter what happens to the books themselves, that is still so much information that is being taken away from students. It breaks my heart that this is even being considered.


N4P41M t1_j7womq9 wrote

The Johnson library is awesome and it'd be such a shame to see it dispersed to the wind! If the mission is to recoup cash and cut costs, the idea that the books are to be donated rather than sold makes no sense to me!


INTPLibrarian t1_j7wvrie wrote

That's even more insanity. I could kind of understand if they were moving them to remote storage. They'd still be available, but you'd have to wait a bit to get access. Giving them away is crazy. Unless... maybe there is a historical museum which will be getting them?


prettypeepers OP t1_j7ww6fl wrote

Do take my words about where exactly the books are going with a grain of salt. I believe there was only a few sentences about that part in the email. Either way, its very frustrating because a lot of our books were donations, and some are donations from people who are no longer with us. To take those somewhere else would be such a slap in the face to those people