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JodaUSA t1_ja5cw56 wrote

On the banking things, no, obviously its not a creator of wealth. Money != wealth. Our economy should be built to produce things with use value, as Marx termed it. That is, things derive material value from their utility. Money has no utility beyond exchange, which is not ultimately a necessary utility as we proved with the rationing system during the great depression.

In my view, the whole of the financial and property sectors are leeches that stand in the way of a more truly productive economy. They impose a completely unnecessary overhead on all economic activity (Property sale, interest, etc.) And all for what? The strengthening of a class of people who don't aid in the production of useful goods? Send all Landlords, bank owners, and shareholders to the farms and factories. Then they will actually contribute.

As for whether or not I expect my preferred world view to ever come to be, I see 3 possibilities for the future of our society:

  1. My world view comes to be, and the working class is empowered to run the world for their benefit.
  2. My world view does not come to be, and the Capitalist class is left to dominate. This results in two possibilities itself:
    1. The utter lack of regard that the Capitalist class has for the impending climate crisis leads to an era of constant strife and war over the new Water World's scarce resources.
    2. If somehow the Capitalist class is convinced to give a shit about the Poors drowning, they ultimately are forced into Fascism, the form capitalism takes when the contradictions within it are too glaring and inflamed for the working class to ignore them, and so violent state repression becomes necessary for the continuation of the Capitalist system.

So, I'm not entirely optimistic that my world view comes to pass, but I sure as hell hope it does, because Capitalism is entirely unsustainable.