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Eagle_Arm t1_j82etua wrote

They're out of place when trying to ride the coat tails of a Harry Potter video game that's has nothing to do with Vermont.

There is nothing Vermont about it.

We shot down a balloon from China, you can buy balloons at Party City in Vermont, should that be a post. It's about a store in Vermont having balloons, completely unrelated, but it's balloons!


[deleted] t1_j82fat9 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82ftui wrote

And....again.....Harry Potter.....nothing to do with Vermont


[deleted] t1_j82g2pa wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82h6gj wrote

That's your connection? People paly video games here too? There's nothing Vermont tied to any of it.

And if people "must" play a video game? Do you think they have no internal agency?

You know the biggest demographic who will play the game, people who like Harry Potter. It's not some anti-trans ideal to like Harry Potter just as someone driving a Volkswagen isn't a Nazi.

Show me where her hate is? I won't even ask anymore how it impacts Vermonters because that's just a rhetorical and leading question, because it doesn't.


[deleted] t1_j82ijlx wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82jxyf wrote

This is your smoking gun of hate from that article,

"To say in the words of J.K. Rowling this past week where she wrote, ‘All I’m asking, all I want is for similar empathy, similar understanding to be extended to the many millions of women whose sole crime is wanting their concerns to be heard without receiving threats or abuse,’” Lankford said on the Senate floor,"

That. Just jam packed with hate! The nerve! Wanting similar empathy! The horror!

And you keep saying Vermont organizations. I said party city has balloons too, we aren't writing about their Vermont locations and the Chinese balloon because it's not a real connection. It's trying to grasp onto a topic and make it local, when it's not.

Also, the reference to Volkswagen...phew, you went on another unrelated tangent there. The point is Volkswagen is from Nazi Germany. The car manufacturer still exists today. That doesn't make the drivers Nazis. Playing a Harry Potter video game does not make someone anti-trans or whatever other term you want to fit in there.

And again, someone said a shitty comment to her about how she sleeps at night, what are you expecting for an answer? You know the answer you're going to get, a shitty response to a shitty question.

Please stay on your meds or up the dosage.

Edit: here's the response for comment below because blocked.

You don't think there's still family members from the Nazi party benefiting from Volkswagen sales? C'mon now.

I'm not getting a Harry Potter video game, I don't give a shit about Harry Potter.

>If not, I hope Vermont stays taken from you.
