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Mofo-Pro t1_j7xwhxg wrote

Ah yes, a post relevant to Vermont. Tell me again what universe you live in and why I should care?


TheTowerBard t1_j7zlbg3 wrote

You can just keep scrolling instead of displaying your hatred and ignorance for all to see. Just a thought 🤷‍♂️ thanks for letting us know though.


FyuckerFjord t1_j7yboic wrote

Look up the anti-LGBTQ statements made by JK Rowling. Got it? Good.

Now, a common form of protest is to donate to organizations that oppose the thing you're protesting. Still with me? Cool.

OP posted Vermont organizations who fit that bill. Boom, relevance.

Still don't get it? I can smear some peanut butter on my balls so you follow better.


jsled t1_j7ytnd3 wrote

I sub here to hear about vermont-specific things.

I sub to other places where it would be entirely appropriate to talk about the Harry Potter game.

This ain't it.


TheTowerBard t1_j7zlowy wrote

Sharing Vermont orgs to support is very much Vermont-specific. Also, we do have LGBTQ+ folks in Vermont and yeah, this applies to them and their loved ones. If you don’t care to see it you can scroll on by.

Maybe there’s a different reason this post triggers you folks? Might want to reflect on that.


lantonas t1_j7x5coy wrote

I heard they are removing all Harry Potter books from Vermont State College libraries.


Eagle_Arm t1_j7x0ktr wrote

Which town in Vermont was Harry Potter from? Was that Cavendish or Shrewsbury?


kadargo t1_j82vlh9 wrote

Middlebury obviously, where the game of Quidditch was formalized.


captainogbleedmore t1_j8bldnw wrote

While the original post is not VT related, there is a legit Vermont connection to Harry Potter in that the first US edition of the first book was printed in Brattleboro.


Rare_Message_7204 t1_j7zz2tu wrote

How does your head connect donating to VT LGBTQ organizations and the release of a harry potter video game?

Harry Potter has nothing to do with VT. Jk Rowling has nothing to do with VT.

This is so nonsensical!


1701-Z t1_j9ij2aw wrote

You are correct that it isn't a totally direct connection. JK is pretty outspoken against the LGBTQ+ community and there is an LGBTQ+ community. A pretty common form of protest against a person and their ideas is to donate money to a charity supporting the idea they're against rather than spending the money on their product. The links provided by OP are to VT specific organizations, which is why it seems relevant here.


PCPToad83 t1_j824p0q wrote

This post is tempting me to just buy the gane


Comfortable-Buy-7388 t1_j8066qf wrote

Is this because Rowling wants to boil and eat all the Trans folks?


[deleted] t1_j82cqfb wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82ejar wrote

It's because it's a ridiculous connection.

So that tweet, someone said something that was meant to be shitty towards her and she made the classic sitcom joke about laughing to the bank.....

If anyone's life in Vermont is actually impacted by Rowling and her mean mean tweets, I'd be shocked. Maybe stop paying attention to people you hate?


[deleted] t1_j82f0dw wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82glw0 wrote

So supporting them by giving them money? How exactly are they actually impacted from a European children's book author?

Is she taking all that hate she has and money she's making and preventing them from doing anything? She hunting people down? She attacking people? Assaulting them? She preventing people from doing anything?

No? She's not? She's just being a big meany on Twitter? Because what was it that set it off again and why she's hated? She said that people who menstruate are called women? The absolutely diabolical savage! How could she do such a thing!?

There is a world outside Vermont, there's a whole lot of subreddits that aren't Vermont-centric too. Probably should post relevant content to relevant subs.

I called it a sitcom joke for a reason.


[deleted] t1_j82h8u5 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82ig37 wrote

Revealing that I agree that people who menstruate are women? Is agreeing with a transphobe?

So you wouldn't say that people who menstruate are women?

So, going to show her attacking people or just going to say it's what she's doing?

I wouldn't say I'm callous, more a lack of pandering.

Vermont is a country state on earth, maybe Vermonters should donate to organizations in Bahrain instead of Vermont ones, it's all connected and belongs in this sub after all

Edit: Vermont is indeed a state, not a country. Why must 5th grade geography fail me!?


[deleted] t1_j82irwv wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82kjl0 wrote

You honestly are throwing me a stumper of a is it possible to be sexist to someone who claims to be non-binary? A legitimate question.

If you're not claiming to be a woman, then I can't be sexist against a woman because your not a woman. Not a man, so can't be sexist against a man.

So how can you be sexist against someone who is neither man or woman?

Edit: And blocked. I guess they didn't want to explain this one.


twdvermont t1_j808pkg wrote

Can I make a donation in your name, Explosive Butt Farts?


Zestyclose_Alfalfa13 t1_j83ola5 wrote

The discussion of whether men transitioning to women impacts cisgendered women's rights is valid.


Bernthewalldown t1_j82d2z7 wrote

Fuck JK but y’all being a bit much with this game


pi5tolp t1_j80kzsz wrote

You can donate to me 😉 make me happy


danisahuman t1_j9gw23v wrote

It makes really happy that people are starting to notice that the majority of this movement are just a bunch of spoiled brats who need attention, demand it in the most ridiculous way possible. Absolutely stupid you haven't deleted this yet. Trash


danisahuman t1_j9hwh6n wrote

Why we deleting comments? Lol


coldnight3 t1_j7zhx0h wrote

It also seems to be full of anti-jewish themes and other thinly veiled hate.


mistahboogs t1_j7zqlot wrote

I'd love to see some examples of that


Eagle_Arm t1_j805ata wrote

Ths biggest reference, from the books/movies anyways, is that the bankers are goblins.

I don't know about the game because don't care about playing a Harry Potter video game.


mistahboogs t1_j809exy wrote

I was referring to the game because that isn't made by JK Rowling who is the person everyone is mad at. Not the folks who actually made the game.


Eagle_Arm t1_j80dwpb wrote

I'm guessing that the game still has goblins in it though. Be very shocked if there aren't levels in the bank.


SchmeddyBallz t1_j83pjge wrote

But goblins aren't Jewish in Harry Potter? What's your beef with goblins in the banking industry?


Eagle_Arm t1_j83xzbl wrote

I'm assuming that's sarcasm, but just in case.

It's the allegations that the series is referencing Jewish people are goblins, not that the goblins are Jewish. It's making the insult about noses and that they are greedy. Going back to old caricatures that Jewish people are goblins and bad.

I don't think that was the original intent and goblins were picked because it's a fantasy world, but I could be wrong. If that was the intent, it's fucked up, but don't think that's the case.


shortieXV t1_j7yznf0 wrote

Thanks for sharing these local Vermont organizations. Sorry that people cannot read past the comma in the title and immediately get combative with you as a result.


Eagle_Arm t1_j7z79cz wrote

People have no problem reading through the comma and just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't mean they're dumb.

Harry Potter has nothing to do with Vermont. Rowling, which this is actually about, has nothing to do with Vermont.

If you think the small connection of, she said mean things and Vermont has a LGBT community is a strong enough connection for this, you're insane.

Could connect anything to Vermont if using that as the standard.


polarbearrape t1_j7zhzab wrote

The point isn't harry potter, the point is "here are local programs you can donate to". Riding a current trend for exposure of a good cause seems fine to me. Taking issue with it feels more like trying to undermine the sentiment rather than actually being upset about harry potter not being a Vermonter.


Eagle_Arm t1_j7zljqu wrote

Because riding the current trend, that has nothing to do with Vermont in order to get money, is bullshit.

Pride Center, is great. I don't know anything about other organization, so can't speak to that, but this isn't Vermont related.

I also understand localizing news, but again, nothing to do with Vermont.

Here's a story about a guy and a scooter, we should petition to get more scooters in Vermont! Localizing something unrelated to Vermont and still doesn't belong here.


ResponsibleExcuse727 t1_j800b0j wrote

I’m with you eagle arm. Also JK has nothing to do with the game so it really isn’t doing anything. Support lgbtq but this is a stretch for relevance. She has nothing to do with the creation of hog warts legacy.


Eagle_Arm t1_j804v2v wrote

Did you see the movie All Quiet on the Western Front? Remember that there is a history organization in Vermont and they talk about WWI too! Don't forget to smash that donate button and subscribe!

Very easy to connect something to something local and still be completely irrelevant.

I also was wondering about her involvement with the videogame, I assumed it was nothing, but I didn't actually look it up.


ResponsibleExcuse727 t1_j805kbv wrote

Minor. Basically was ran by her for anything she would disagree with and to make sure everything aligns with the Harry Potter world. OP may just be karma farming or even an ad. The people downvoting are in their hive mentality and don’t understand.


[deleted] t1_j82d75p wrote



[deleted] t1_j82l4qm wrote



coldnight3 t1_j7zhtbp wrote

Generally, the people that live here in Vermont are supportive of one another. That is what this is asking for/about. I think it belongs here because I don't want my neighbors to suffer. YMMV.


Eagle_Arm t1_j7zkmki wrote

Your neighbors to suffer from Rowling or Harry Potter?

There is no issue about asking for donations and being supportive, when it makes sense and is local.

This has nothing to do with Vermont.


coldnight3 t1_j80r0ta wrote

To suffer from the furtherance of hate speech, particularly from Rowling.


Eagle_Arm t1_j80xojh wrote

So Rowling is performing hate speech and it's actively hurting Vermonters?

I'll assume, maybe a bad assumption, but I'll assume, 99.89% of Vermonters have never been forced to met her, read anything she's written that's hate speech, or had to listen to her talk.

So not sure how they are suffering from an author from Europe.


[deleted] t1_j82d3q8 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82e5d5 wrote



[deleted] t1_j82ef64 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82etua wrote

They're out of place when trying to ride the coat tails of a Harry Potter video game that's has nothing to do with Vermont.

There is nothing Vermont about it.

We shot down a balloon from China, you can buy balloons at Party City in Vermont, should that be a post. It's about a store in Vermont having balloons, completely unrelated, but it's balloons!


[deleted] t1_j82fat9 wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82ftui wrote

And....again.....Harry Potter.....nothing to do with Vermont


[deleted] t1_j82g2pa wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82h6gj wrote

That's your connection? People paly video games here too? There's nothing Vermont tied to any of it.

And if people "must" play a video game? Do you think they have no internal agency?

You know the biggest demographic who will play the game, people who like Harry Potter. It's not some anti-trans ideal to like Harry Potter just as someone driving a Volkswagen isn't a Nazi.

Show me where her hate is? I won't even ask anymore how it impacts Vermonters because that's just a rhetorical and leading question, because it doesn't.


[deleted] t1_j82ijlx wrote



Eagle_Arm t1_j82jxyf wrote

This is your smoking gun of hate from that article,

"To say in the words of J.K. Rowling this past week where she wrote, ‘All I’m asking, all I want is for similar empathy, similar understanding to be extended to the many millions of women whose sole crime is wanting their concerns to be heard without receiving threats or abuse,’” Lankford said on the Senate floor,"

That. Just jam packed with hate! The nerve! Wanting similar empathy! The horror!

And you keep saying Vermont organizations. I said party city has balloons too, we aren't writing about their Vermont locations and the Chinese balloon because it's not a real connection. It's trying to grasp onto a topic and make it local, when it's not.

Also, the reference to Volkswagen...phew, you went on another unrelated tangent there. The point is Volkswagen is from Nazi Germany. The car manufacturer still exists today. That doesn't make the drivers Nazis. Playing a Harry Potter video game does not make someone anti-trans or whatever other term you want to fit in there.

And again, someone said a shitty comment to her about how she sleeps at night, what are you expecting for an answer? You know the answer you're going to get, a shitty response to a shitty question.

Please stay on your meds or up the dosage.

Edit: here's the response for comment below because blocked.

You don't think there's still family members from the Nazi party benefiting from Volkswagen sales? C'mon now.

I'm not getting a Harry Potter video game, I don't give a shit about Harry Potter.

>If not, I hope Vermont stays taken from you.



TheTowerBard t1_j7zm962 wrote

Thank you for sharing this! Great orgs and I’m always happy for a reminder of our local orgs that need our support. Sorry to see a lot of hate and bigotry coming out of the woodwork in response to this. Unfortunately not shocking though.


danisahuman t1_j9gwhlg wrote

I love how anyone who doesn't agree is labeled as bigots and all sorts of other things. You know what that makes you? A fascist


TheTowerBard t1_j9hfqwm wrote

Ah yes, the old “I’m rubber you’re glue” response when you have no clue who or what I’m referring too. You might want to actually learn what a fascist is you fragile dimwit.